商务合同是一种重要的法律文件, 由于中国的入世和经济全球化的影响,各国交往的不断增多,使国际商务合同的使用越来越频繁。国际商务合同的种类繁多,这类合同都是有英汉两种版本。商务合同有其自身的特点:条理性、 规范性和专业性。本文用大量的例句,对商务合同英语作了全面分析和论述,并分析其翻译方面所应注意的问题。
关键词: 商务合同 翻译程序 翻译准则 2011年6月8日 Hebei Youth Administration Cadre College
Graduation Thesis(Design) Type: Graduation Thesis
Title: On The English translation of business contract
Major: Business English
Grade and Class: Business English, 2008
Name: Zuo Xixi
Student ID: No. 28
Tutor: Sun Yijun
The International business contract is a very important document of law in business trade. As China entered into WTO and the influence of economic globalization, the communication between China and foreign countries is frequent. There are many different kinds of international business contracts. It should be divided into two versions: English contracts and Chinese contracts. The international business contract has three characteristics: orderliness,normality and professionalism. The thesis mainly discusses the skills of translation by giving some examples. Then the problems that should be considered in the process of translation are put forward论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/
Key words: international business contract translation procedure translation norm
June 8, 2011 Contents
I. The textual features of Business Contract 4
1.1 Orderliness 4
1.2 Normality5
1.3 Professionalism5
Ⅱ. The translation procedure of Business Contract-5
2.1 Analyzing the themes of Business Contract -5
2.2 Understanding Business Contract -6
2.1.1 Understanding the specific expression in the Contract-6
2.2.2 Understanding the sentence structure in the Contract6
2.3 Expressing the Contract8
2.4 Correcting the Contract -8
Ⅲ. The translation standards of Contract- 9
3.1 Faithfulness and Accuracy- -9
3.2 Completeness and Standard10
3.3 Expressiveness and Smoothness-10
IV. Conclusion- 11
Bibliography- -12,