关于商标翻译的论文+ 商标翻译论文
A trademark is the sign of a product; it can show the product’s characteristics and make the product different from those competitors.
As China entered into WTO and the influence of economic globalization, the communication of products between China and foreign countries is frequently. Thus, more and more attention has been paid to the trademark translation.
In the first part of the thesis, the definition and functions of trademark are introduced. Then the linguistic requirements and translation methods are analyzed. Then the problems that should be considered in the process of trademark translation are put forward. At the end of the thesis, the significances of outstanding trademark translation are emphasized.
Key words: trademark linguistic requirements translation methods attention problems
June 8, 2011
I. Introduction-4
II. Trademark4
2.1 Definition of Trademark-4
2.2 Functions of Trademark4
III. Trademark Translation-4
3.1 Linguistic Requirements of Trademark5
3.1.1 Being Simple and Easy to Pronounce and Memorize5
3.1.2 Reflecting the Product’s Characteristics-5
3.1.3 Being Distinctive from Similar Products5
3.1.4 Adapting to National Culture6
3.2 Methods of Trademark Translation-6
3.2.1 Transliteration6
3.2.2 Literal Translation-7
3.2.3 Free Translation8
3.2.4 Combination of Transliteration and Free Translation-9
IV. Paying Attention to the Problems in the Trademark Translation-9
4.1 Considering the Product’s characteristics9
4.2 Considering Cultural Differences10
4.2.1 Humanities and Regional Amorous Feelings in Target Market10
4.2.2 Consumers’ Psychology in Target Market11
4.2.3 Cultural Taboos in Target Market11
V. Significances of Outstanding Trademark Translation12
5.1 Products’ entering the International Market12
5.2 Products’ gaining the Competitive Advantage-12
VI. Conclusion12 论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/
I. Introduction
The rapid development of commodity economy has made the international business boom. With China’s entry into the World Trade Organization and the influence of economic globalization, many foreign products are entering into the Chinese market, while more and more Chinese products are going to the foreign market. Thus, the enterprises are confronted with more powerful international competition and opportunities than ever. The enterprises have come to realize that one of their most valuable assets is their trademarks.
Trademark is the sign of a product. Trademark is also a bridge of the communication between an enterprise and consumers. A good trademark is the powerful weapon that the enterprises to participate the international competition. A good trademark can attract consumer’s attention and arouse consumers’ purchasing desire. A good trademark can also contribute to the good reputation of an enterprise and its products, while a poor one will damage to it. In view of this, trademark is good or not has a great influence on the development of an enterprise. Thus, more and more attention has been paid to trademark translation. A well translated trademark has a great significance on whether products’ entering into international market and gaining the competitive advantage.
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