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  II. Trademark

  2.1 Definition of Trademark

  Trademark is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of them that identifies the goods or services of one seller or a group of the seller and differentiates them from those competitors.

  2.2 Functions of Trademark

  Trademark is the sign of a product; it can reflect the product’s characteristics and help consumers in target market to know this product better. Trademark is also an advertisement of a product; it can publicize and spread the product to consumers in target market. Trademark is also the symbol of a product; it can show the remarkable features of the product and make this product differentiate from those competitors.

  III. Trademark Translation

  3.1 Linguistic Requirements of Trademark

  A good trademark can attract more consumers in the target market. How to make a trademark become the good one? The first factor is linguistic requirements of trademarks. Thus, in order to make a trademark leave a deep impression on target consumers, the trademark ought to possess as many of the following requirements as possible.

  3.1.1 Being Simple and Easy to Pronounce and Memorize论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/

  This is the basic requirement for a trademark. Choosing short and simple words as trademarks will make a deep impression on the target consumers and arouse consumers’ sympathy. The translated trademark should also be short and easy to memorize. For example, Budweise—百威(merican beer) Bausch&Lomb—博士伦(glasses). Nike—耐克(ports shoes) .Anta—安踏(sports wears). Peak—匹克(sports wears). Jeanswest—真维斯(dress). These trademarks choose two or three words. So, they are easy to pronounce and memorize for target consumers.

  3.1.2 Reflecting the Product’s Characteristics

  Trademark is an item of the easiest advertisement itself. One of the functions of trademarks is making target consumers know the variety and characteristics of products. Thus, a trademark should reflect something about the product’s characteristics, such as its benefits, usage. When consumers read or hear the trademark, they can understand them tentatively. For example, Head&Shoulders is a famous shampoo brand. The meaning of this trademark is if you use this shampoo, hair will clean and scurf will not appear on shoulders. It is translated into 海飞丝 in Chinese market. This Chinese version emphasizes there is no scurf after using this shampoo. Therefore, this product’s characteristics are embodied abundantly.  3.1.3 Being Distinctive from Similar Products

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