
 Confucius Speech

  周 Hello, everyone. This is William and I’m Zhouyihang. Today we are going to introduce Confucius and Confucianism to you. Now, let’s know something about them together.

  First, let’s learn the development of Confucius.

  周770 BC Confucius founded Confucianism,the core of it was benevolence. 475 BC to 221 BC Mencius formed Confucianism and the importance of the people was stressed by Xun Zi, another important person of Confucianism. 221 BC to 206 BC the Confucianism met many frustrations. 202 BC Dong transformed Confucianism and posed “Deposed 100 Domination of Confucianism, Confucianism became the feudal orthodoxy.

  雍Confucianism has been all through in Chinese history, it also had a good influence in the world.

  雍Of course, Confucianism has become an integral part of traditional culture in many Asian countries. Japan was the first Asian country affected by Chinese culture. And South Korea was most deeply influenced by Confucianism.

  In Korea, there are some Confucian institutes, such as the Confucian society, the Institute of Confucian culture and so on. There is specialized subject to study Confucianism in more than 20 Korean universities. And 80% of people in Korea believe in Confucianism or are highly influenced by Confucianism.

  As for Europe, after the Ming and Qing dynasties, Confucianism was spread to the West. "The Analects of Confucius" was translated into Latin, English and so on. Many European Enlightenment thinkers were also inspired by Confucianism. The famous Enlightenment thinker,Voltaire ,was called the European Confucius.

  周Because of the influences of Confucianism, Asia, Europe and many other places in the world has been founded many Confucius Institute. These are the signs of Confucius Institute. There are Confucius Institutes in Korea, America, Africa, French and so on. Confucius dose not only belong to China but also to the world.

  雍The Chinese have a tradition of holding spectacular memorial ceremonies of Confucius every year, on the date of Confucius’ birthday, September 28.

  雍Well, now let’s learn about the core content of Confucianism, benevolence. What is benevolence?

  Confucius thought benevolence is respectful, lenient, sincere, sensitive and benevolently.

  Respectful: To respect the people who are around you.

  Lenient: When someone makes a mistake, try to forgive him with the principle.

  Sincere: To be an honest man, work hard on everything.

  Favored: For leaders, often compliment staffs and give some materiality award.

  Agile: Have one’s own ideas. Discover the changes and catch the chances to be successful.

  For example, there is a famous story in Chinese history called ‘A Humble Apology.’

  During the Period of Warring States(475-221 B.C.), there were seven states in China. In Zhao State, one of the seven states, there were two ministers. One is LianPo, the other was Lin Hsiang-ju. But Lin Hsiang-ju had higher status than Lian. So Lian was jealous of Lin and felt unfair.

  One day, he even said,“ Next time, if I met Lian, I will make him embarrassed.” After that what he said was told to Lian. And from then on, Lian was always dodge(躲着) Lian and told his servants that they should be modest and should not argue with the Lian‘s servants. Lian’s servants became more furious and always laughed at them. Then they couldn‘t stand and asked Lian, "why should we do this?" Lian said," It is not because I'm afraid of him. The other states don't fight against with our state because in our state all the officials are with unity. If Lian and I always argue with each other and don't unite with each other, our state will face to wars."

  After hearing this, Lian was moving and ashamed. Carrying thorns to Lian's house, he wanted to offer a humble apology to Lian. Lian rushed out of his house, took out the thorns on Lian's back and forgave him. They became good friends after that and Zhao State became stronger and stronger.

  This story told us. Benevolence is to love others. It includes all the virtues like kindheartedness, care, consideration and tolerance. It can explain the lenient very well.

  周In Analects, there is another core content of Confucianism, filial piety. In China,there is a man named Tian Shiguo. Chinese think he understands filial piety well.

  A Chinese called TianShi guo donated his kidney to his mother suffering from uremia, and his mother even did not know! The surgery was great. His mother became healthy as usual, she always said,” The man who gave me his kidney was really kind, if I could see him, I will thanks him!” But she did not know the man was always near her, he was her son. The doctor said,” The surgery was successful and we had to say this is a miracle!” Chinese knew a lot from the story, many of them sent letters to TianShi guo. The filial piety is full of love.


  So what do we learn from it?

  Honor your parents is one of the most important traditional virtues, it is also one of the Confucian central ideas. Confucianism influence Chinese, we are pound of the filial piety. A person who knows filial piety well will be respected by everyone. Filial piety not only is personal ethical issues, but also is the duty that everyone should bear.

  Now you know, filial piety is very important and useful. There is a question, how do you do for filial piety?

  Respecting filial piety is from now. 论文范文http://www.chuibin.com

  Respecting filial piety is from sever things,

  Respecting filial piety is from your heart.

  Socially, Filial piety has a great effect. For ruling class: To rule the whole country by virtues.

  For ordinary people: Filial piety and fraternal love.

  Confucianism emphasis on the harmony of family ethics relationship, and advocates extending harmonious family ethics to the society for stabilizing social orders.

  雍 In the past two thousand years, his idea had a deeply influence on Chinese traditional culture. The Confucianism which has extensive knowledge and profound scholarship had been the Chinese mainstream culture. It still plays a positive role in our social life now.

  Confucianism plays a positive role in the development of China’s education and in cultivating talents.

  Confucianism is helpful for harmonious interpersonal relationships and for promoting social construction.

  Confucianism is also good for eliminating disputes and national unity.

  启示周Although Confucius knew a lot, he still admitted something he didn’t know when two little children asked him. Confucianism told us that to say you know when you know, and to say you don’t when you don’t, that is knowledge.

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