How to hide or show the Review Pane in word
How to hide or show the Review Pane in word
the Review Pane seems not be in available in Word.WdTaskPanes, so I can not access it by vsto.
I've already seen the ActiveWindow.ActivePane way of closing it but I'd like to refer to the Pane wheter it is active or not.
As a follow-up to your posting. I looked into how to figure out if the Reviewing task pane was open and I believe you will have to check for its split screen type value being open. I used the following code to find that the enumeration of the vertical reviewing split screen is 18.
ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial = 18 'wdPaneRevisionsVert
Dim i As Integer
Dim pne As Word.Pane
For Each pne In ActiveWindow.Panes
Debug.Print ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SplitSpecial