how to cast obj to float for matrix
how to cast obj to float for matrix
three methods got compile error
let mutable Q2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> Q.GetValue(x,y) :> double)
let mutable R2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> R.GetValue(x,y) :> double)
let mutable Q2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> Convert.ToDouble(Q.GetValue(x,y)))
let mutable R2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> Convert.ToDouble(R.GetValue(x,y)))
let mutable Q2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> double Q.GetValue(x,y))
let mutable R2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> double R.GetValue(x,y))
let mutable tau: float[] = null
let mutable Q: float[,] = null
let mutable R: float[,] = null
let mutable B: float[,] = Array2D.zeroCreate A.NumRows A.NumCols
for i=0 to A.NumRows-1 do
for j=0 to A.NumCols-1 do
B.[i,j] <- A.[i,j]
//let alglib.rmatrixschur s x = ()
alglib.rmatrixqr(ref B, A.NumRows, A.NumCols, &tau);
alglib.rmatrixqrunpackq(B, A.NumRows, A.NumCols, tau, A.NumRows, &Q)
alglib.rmatrixqrunpackr(B, A.NumRows, A.NumCols, &R)
let mutable Q2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> Q.GetValue(x,y) :> double)
let mutable R2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> R.GetValue(x,y) :> double)
let mutable Q2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> Convert.ToDouble(Q.GetValue(x,y)))
let mutable R2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> Convert.ToDouble(R.GetValue(x,y)))
let mutable Q2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> double Q.GetValue(x,y))
let mutable R2 = Matrix.init A.NumCols A.NumCols (fun x y -> double R.GetValue(x,y))
You may rewrite the function body using mutable references, this snippet on Stack Overflow shows how to. However a more idiomatic way would be refactoring your code using standard combinators, array slicing expressions and library functions from Matrix module of F# PowerPack, in particular, Matrix.ofArray2D and Matrix.toArray2D:
let QR2(A : matrix) =
let mutable tau: float[] = null
let mutable Q: float[,] = null
let mutable R: float[,] = null
let mutable B = Matrix.toArray2D A
alglib.rmatrixqr(ref B, A.NumRows, A.NumCols, &tau);
alglib.rmatrixqrunpackq(B, A.NumRows, A.NumCols, tau, A.NumRows, &Q)
alglib.rmatrixqrunpackr(B, A.NumRows, A.NumCols, &R)
[Q.[..A.NumCols-1, ..A.NumCols-1];R.[..A.NumCols-1, ..A.NumCols-1]]
|> Matrix.ofArray2D
This refactored implementation is succinct and runs OK. You may want to explore source code of F# PowerPack Matrix module for further details.