how to Enable Custom Button On ribbon when select multiple list items
how to Enable Custom Button On ribbon when select multiple list items
I have a custom list and I have created a cutom action in View Ribbon which starts a workflow for the list item. When I select single list item thourgh checkbox it gets enabled. But When I select more than one items it gets disabled. I have to make it enabled for multiple items and I need it to start that workflow for all items selected. Please suggest posible work around.
Check following code for enable custom ribbon button when select multiple items
<CommandUIHandler Command="TaskCommand"
CommandAction="javascript:alert('Not implemented.');"
function enableButton() {
var result = false;//default return value of the function which disables the button
var selectedItems = SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedItems();
//check if more then one item is selected
if (CountDictionary(selectedItems) > 1) {
result = true;
return result;