【关键词】 硬膜外麻醉; 局麻药; 抢 救; 护 理
The Rescue and Care of Local Anesthetics Poisoning in Epidural Block
HE Jie-jing, LIU Min-ping, DENG Kui-xiang
(The People’s Hospital of Longmen, Guangdong Longmen 516001, China)
Abstract: Objective: To explore the risk of local anesthetics poisoning in epidural block and summary up the rescue and care experiences. Method: We retrospectively analysed 11 cases data,from January 2004 to 2007 December, of which the local anesthetics poisoning in epidural block at our department. Result: 11 patients were sucessfully rescued, recovered and discharged without complications. Conclusion: The local anesthetics poisoning is a common complication happening in clinical anesthesia.Which even can be the threatening to patients’lives.Once it happened,the positive and correct treatment,also with the careful care,is not only the key way to protect patient safely endured the surgery,but also help them 论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/ stay without any complication.
Key words: Epidural block; Local anesthetics; Rescue; Care
1 资料和方法
1.1 一般资料:我科2004年1月至2007年12月期间出现11例硬膜外麻醉局麻药中毒。年龄在16~65岁,平均年龄40.5岁,其中男4例,女7例。
1.2 方法:硬膜外麻醉使用的药物是2%盐酸利多卡因,11例患者穿刺成功后回抽硬膜外导管未见回血,均在安全范围内用药。其中4例出现失语症状,面色潮红,血氧、血压、呼吸无变化,5例出现牙关紧闭、全身抽搐,2例出现意识消失,自主呼吸减慢,减弱,口唇及全身皮肤发绀,随后对11例硬膜外麻醉患者及时做出正确的判断,停止硬膜外给药,面罩吸氧、静脉推注咪唑安定等急救药物,补充液体,维持血压和脉率的正常。严重患者立即行气管插管维持呼吸和血氧饱和度的正常,正确有效地采用护理措施及对症处理。 2 结果