
  I. Introduction. 1
  Ⅱ.The Brief Introuduct to the originan work. 1
  A. The Introuduction of The Author. 1
  B. the Introduction of the Brief text 1
  Ⅲ.The process of Been Locked in the lonly Island. 2
  A. The Conflict of Robinson Crusoe’s Character. 2
  B.The First Decisione to Go for Sailing. 3
  C.Thi Second Decision to Stay in the Sea. 3
  D. suffer a lotof Disasters and frustrations in the Sea. 3
  E. Being Locked in the Isolated Island. 3
  Ⅳ.The Character of Robinson Crusoe. 4
  Ⅴ.Different Character, Different Fate. 5
  A. The right arttitude towards One’s Proper and Inproper Character. 5
  B. character is inpotant in our life ,especially for us youth havent srep into society. 6
  C. proper character is more important than the intelligence. 6
  Ⅵ. Examples in Detail 6
  A. The Example of Yaoming. 6
  B. The Story of Einstein. 7
  C. The Example of Zhouhai(A postgraudate student in Xinjiang university.) 8
  Ⅶ.Conclusion. 8
  致 谢... 9
  Bibliography. 10
  This paper tries to explain the fate of a person's character for the descision role,combined his character with the emergence of capitalism in the UK he lived during the history backgrands, from Robinson's fate and his choice at different times, and his final destiny ."Robinson Crusoe" tells a story: Robinson, despite the parents must discourage the natural home to the sea, even though his parents left him a considerable property. He wanted the freedom to create his own life. When he left home and the sea of success after they met before he can not imagine the disaster, but he decided to continue sa Robinson's fate and his choice at different times, and his final destiny iling, which led to him trapped in an island alone, fortunately he finally fled that horrible place, and began his new life. from a series of stories, we can know that he is a stubborn and firm puritan. Robinsons ,for his mighty tenacious and preserved will conqued several encironment ,and made his own miracals of life .because the puritans believed that people in the world can be saved by hard work,even thought that gods approval will be reflected by secular wealth ,the prosperity of the early capitalism is the result of peoples hard work ,so have the majority of putitans,like Robinson,the groups hopes that for the pioneer spirit. This paper is intended to eulogise this pioneer spirit and praised Robinson and his mind choose to live according to their own personality, but also tells us that life is full of uncertainty, we should stick to their decisions and be responsible for their own choices.
  摘 要
  I. Introduction
  In the period of British colonialism, universal feeled that the person is the center of the world Sinces human being opens their eyes,and they were confused by their fate. While under the same social background, family environment, and with the same intelligence, some people are successful, but others are failing. The reason is the different kinds of character. That is different character lead to their different kinds of fate. According to the dictionary, character is the mental or moral qualities that make a person, group, nation, etc different from others. Generally speak, characteristic is the psychologist feature in the attitude and behavior when a person deal with people and matters, such as reasonable, stable, and frank. But character is not so simple, for every kind of character has its different sides; the cultural background of temperament is the basic factor of character. Fate is the power believed to control all events in a way that can not be resisted. Fate is not so mystery that can not be mastered. When a person is in his old age, he can know what to do and how to deal with them. In fact, this is the change of the outside fate to inside character. If a person masters his character, he controls his fate at the same time. In the world which is full of fierce competition, a person must first know his character, and then commen his character well, he can be a popular man in the world. Otherwise, he may falls behind others, and be discriminated. The following is the detailed discussion of character and fate. Robinson Crusoe sets a good example for us.
  Ⅱ.The Brief Introuduct to the originan work
  A. The Introuduction of The Author
  The author of Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe was born in a good commercial family in 1660, in London. He was once a businessman, who ran the enterprise of underclothes, cigarettes and wine trade, there were some difficulties through hsi work, but he could save his enterprise every time after his failure, meanwhile, he showed us his stable determination to fight against his fate,and he always thought that he could not be destroyed by the destiny. All of those experiences paved his way of thought and techniquel of the materials for his masterpiece Robinson Crusoe. That is, the success of Robinson Crusoe is not occasional. It is said that besides Bible, Robinson Crusoe is the most popular book in that time. Today, the book has been regarded as the first long fiction in the world.
  B. the Introduction of the Brief text
  Robinson Crusoe was written during the enlightenment period of a real story in 18th . , and be trapped in an lonely island, A Scottish seafaring man in Britain ship ,Alengzander which had asout 500 meters far away from the coast of Chile智利. He lived there alone for about four years; he was finally saved by a famous sailor and was taken home in 1771. The event had evoked great interesting in the Europe., Daniel Defoe created Robinson Crusoe,he was a representative of bourgeoisie, an ideal hero, what he advocated was not to satisfying with annoyance, but to develop, to work and to attain something through your effort. We can see the tradition of western civilization from him in his experience ,and his adventure spirit. In his plays praises people’s hard work spirit. The fiction opens up the way of English realism fiction. Robinson Crusoe, who was the protogonist of The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, was a stubborn person aggressive and firm. Because of his decision to go out to see the outside world and start it, he finally went out to be a sailor without his parents,accept. He became a slaver in the coast of Africa because of the attack by a group of pirates, but he later escaped fron there , he can not beare the hard lifeandsevere environment, and he was saved by a Portugal ship, and he was carried to Brazil safely,atthere he attained a lot of money. But he was not satisfied with such money and designed to madehis own dream to be come true ,andon the way sell slaves in Africa when somebody advised him to do likethis. Just because of it, he was flowed to an isolated island and was reduced to a lonely man without any companys. Thanks to the goodness, there were so much food, clothes and tools left in the ship which was wrecked on the coast. He could still be alive for those materials. During the period, Bible was his spirit support, he built house, trained sone rice, tamed sheep and made leather clothes by the fur of animals.he keep diaries on论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/ the skin of trees. After twenty eight years, he was saved by an English ship to England.
  Ⅲ.The process of Been Locked in the lonly Island
  Before he descided to go outside and to striveto his own life ,there are a serious of tines for him to made a great conflict in his mind .through his sailing lives ,there aie three times should him made a great choice .fllowing are anlysis of the three times choice
  A. The Conflict of Robinson Crusoe’s Character
  We can not clearly define the character of Robinson Crusoe, because his character was complexed. On the one hand, he was undoubted weak for his bourgeois shape, he was tired of to being a commercial life, and was afraid of the existed and disagreeable way to be rich ,he devoting all his life to such a profession; he wanted to have another life style which could supply himself easay and energy.
  In some respects, he wanted to achieve what he wanted life ,and be far away from the fierce competed world. He wanted to live a special life.
  On the other hand, he liked freedom, and attempted to pursue his own life, he was also willing to achieve his dream at any price, even work hard. His strong point of his character was showed completely here. His weakness in the common life just converted to the strong point of his later sailing life, which was a sharp different world from what he had lived for about twenty years.
  B.The First Decisione to Go for Sailing
  Robinson Crusoe was supposed to live happy and easy life by his parennts, but he attempted to go out from his parents’ house to sail in the sea without following his parents’ advice for his own dream though his parents had leaved lots of property for him. He come out with several companies and began his sailing life.
  C.Thi Second Decision to Stay in the Sea
  All of his thought encouraged him to go out to the sea,and strive for his oen life. and to made one of his friends, who persuaded him to go to London, so he suffered the first storm in the sea. At this time, he wanted to go home very much and feell regret that he did not follow his parents’ words, but when the sea calmed down, he forgot the fear and worry during the storm, just concentrated himself to the beautiful and peaceful evening. This was the second time he followed his own thought and created the prelude of his later lonely life.
  D. suffer a lotof Disasters and frustrations in the Sea
  Once he decided to stay in the sea, his fate could not be controlled by himself ,but only the disasters in the sea. The storm was fierce. and changeable. It could konwn what his life anytime would be ,before his second unhappiness was coming. This was a storm lasted longer and more serious than the first time. Lucky, he and his company were saved. . But still he did not go back just for his pity, he was afraid of confronting with the discrimination and hatred opposed the best motions that he shuold to go back home, That they are not ashamed to sin, and yet was ashamd to regreat, not ashamed of the Action for which they ought to be, but they are ashamed of the returning. This was the third time his personality put him to the abyss of his unlucky fate.
  E. Being Locked in the Isolated Island
  for what he did above, he continu to sail with his company, but unluckily, they were attacked by a group of pirates,and they were arrested, Though he finally escaped from his Master, and earned enough money by doing some trade with others, and could live a quiet retired life and of which his father had so carefully describes .he was still interested in some other things, he finally went to Africa to do the business of selling slaves, which was the real beginning of his unlucky fate. From now on, he was locked in the isolated island. He pur himself to the abyss again.
  Ⅳ.The Character of Robinson Crusoe
  From the above anlysis of he experiences facts, we could konw that Robinson Crusoe was a person with unreasonable, even mad personality, he could be easy and happy whatever life style he chose as long as he had not decide to go to Africa. Before he was reduced to be a lonely man, he had experienced the similar condition, the only difference was he was saved and could live the normal life, he himself once said that if he was not so aggressive and impious, he could never experience such kind of terrible life. When he was concentrated in the great ecstasy of survival, new danger was waiting for him. The life on the isolated island was difficult that we can not imagine. There were no

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