[关键词] 会计信息化 信息化技术 内部控制 信息化环境下的内控 信息化环境下的内控建议
[Abstracts] Under the conditions of accounting information, centralized data processing instead of the lack of manual accountingmanagement accounting organization, the accounting informationcontrol means, methods and the scope of internal control have changed, increasing the internal accounting controlsmore difficult.Therefore, we should learn more about the convenience brought about the merits of the characteristics of the application ofinformation systems, information systems and informationsystems to the enterprise internal management, thereby strengthening the internal control requirements, and build acomplete internal control system to further deepen the reform ofproperty rights, strengthen the inspection and guidance of theorganizational control of the accounting information system andaccounting software development work, the accounting information and better integration in the company's internalcontrol management, in order to avoid the accounting informationinternal control environment to improper handling to business impact. The other hand, the application of accounting informationto internal management of enterprises has brought manyconvenient ways to enable enterprises to save time on internal control and management, enabling businesses to have more timeto use, to enterprise bring more revenue, allows companies withgood development, to bring greater profits to the enterprise
[Key words] The benefits of accounting information technology information technology internal control internal control of information technology in the information environment to the internal control
目 录 引言 5
一、会计信息化 5
(一)会计信息化概念 6
(二)会计信息化内容 6
二、内部会计控制 7
(一)内部会计控制概念 7
(二)内部会计控制内容 8
三、会计信息化条件下内部会计控制 11
(一)信息化条件下内部会计控制的特点 12
(二)会计信息化环境下内部会计控制体系的构建设想 13
(三)强化会计信息化环境下内部会计控制的建设 15
结束语 16 参考文献 17 浅议会计信息化环境下的内部控制
作者姓名:黄金娇 渤海大学培训学院 邮编 121000
引言 在当今社会,信息技术广泛深入的应用不仅对社会生活的各个方面产生了巨大的影响,也给会计理论与实践带来了巨大冲击,会计信息化环境下的内部会计控制问题就是其中的重要内容。在会计信息化环境下,手工会计所采取的内部控制制度已不能完全适应会计信息化数据处理的特点,也难以保证会计信息的质量,因此有必要加强会计信息化环境下的内部会计控制研究,并根据企业的具体情况和内部控制的一般要求,遵循严密、恰当、人机结合的基本原则来重新构建一套适应会计信息化环境下的内控制度,以保证企业会计信息化有序、健康地发展。给企业带来更好的收益。