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时间:2025-01-01 22:38来源:99344



The influence of managers ' power on the choice of measurement mode of investment real estate

Abstract:The choice of accounting measurement model determines the quality of financial reporting and financial information. This article takes a listed company of Shenzhen-Shanghai A-shares holding investment real estate as a sample from 2015 to 2017, starting from six chapters, and adopting a combination of normative research and empirical research to use managerial power (structural power, experts Power and reputation power feature variables are entry points, and the system discusses and validates the influence of manager power on the choice of investment real estate measurement models. Exploring and studying the practical significance of the distribution of managerial power in leadership activities, demonstrating the role of managerial power in the selection of investment real estate measurement models, further expanding the scope of application of managerial power theory, and making managerial power theory from executive compensation and company performance. The influence was extended to the field of financial management, and research on the selection of investment real estate measurement models was enriched. Empirical research shows that the current formulation of investment real estate accounting policies is still subject to the subjective factors of manager power, not necessarily based on the need to provide high-quality accounting information. This study enriches the literature on the features of senior management and the choice of corporate accounting policies, and provides data support for the implementation of the 39 criteria. It can provide reference and reference for decision makers, securities regulators and investors.

Key words: Manager Power ; investment property;cost model; equitable value mode; measurement



经济与管理学院 1

一、绪论 6

(一)研究背景 6

(二)研究意义 6

(三)研究内容 7

(四)研究方法 8

(五)框架图 9

(六)本文研究的创新点 10

二、文献综述 11

(一)经理权力的研究综述 11

1、关于经理人权力定义的综述 11

2、国外对于经理权力的研究综述 经理权力对投资性房地产计量模式选择的影响:http://www.chuibin.com/kuaiji/lunwen_205326.html
