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时间:2024-12-24 22:15来源:99304



关键词:铌酸钾-铌酸钴钡陶瓷 介电性能 电滞回线

Title  Research on Cobalt barium niobate doping of Potassium niobate ceramic

Abstract:Ferroelectric is the popular material of current research on material,it has a good optical properties, dielectric properties and ferroelectric properties,and it is worth to study.Therefore, the effect of the size of the incorporation and the effect of the sintering temperature on the crystal structure, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of the potassium niobate ceramics were studied by using barium niobate.In this paper, ferroelectric perovskite oxides [KNbO3] 1-x [BaCo 0.5Nb 0.5O 3] x ceramics (KBCNO ceramics) were synthesized by conventional solid-phase reaction method. Using x = 0.1, x = 0.3 and x = 0.5 To analyze the value of x for its morphology, structure and dielectric properties. The sintering temperature of x = 0.3 samples was then changed at 1100 ℃, 1120 ℃ and 1130 ℃ to analyze the dielectric properties and ferroelectric properties. By XRD phase analysis and SEM morphology analysis, it was found that with the incorporation of Co3 +, the crystal structure changed from orthorhombic to cubic, and the grain size was almost constant, about 0.6μm. With the incorporation of too much Co3 +, Coarse grain. By measuring the ferroelectric and dielectric properties of the dielectric, the dielectric constant εr is increased from 620 to 1376 in the process of increasing the dielectricity from 0.1 to 0.5, which is due to the increase in the value of x , Potassium niobate - cobalt niobate crystals have lattice distortion, anisotropy increased, it is easy to polarize. The dielectric constant increased from 1100 ℃ to 1130 ℃ in the process, the dielectric properties from 1284 to 1376. And x = 0.3, since the crystal density is very good, no significant defects increase, so when the temperature from 1100 ℃ increased to 1130 ℃ in the process of residual polarization and coercivity is basically the same, coercive field are At about

2.5Kv / cm, the remnant polarization is about 2μC / cm2.

Keywords Dielectric properties Hysteresis loop Ferroelectric properties

1 引言 8

1.1 铁电陶瓷 铌酸钾-铌酸钴钡氧化物陶瓷的性能研究:http://www.chuibin.com/huaxue/lunwen_205295.html
