sqlserver Hiding a tablix hides all objects below it
sqlserver Hiding a tablix hides all objects below it
Mulitpage report with many conditionally populated and hidden controls.
Whole report is wrapped in a list - the report can be run for a single record or batches.
Bottom of page two has a problem where the 5th control from the bottom is a tablix and it's hidden state effects all other controls below it, whether hidden by expression or hard coded to true or false.
Locally this happens when I view the report in print layout, save as PDF, or print to paper. On the server this happens when printed or exported to PDF. Otherwise report views correctly on screen.
To try and figure out what's going on I've set all bottom controls to Hidden = False. Everything shows in print layout as expected.
Next, starting at the bottom I re-introduced my expressions that need to conditionally hide controls. All the way up to the tablix everything works correctly.
However whether I hard code visibility of the tablix to Hidden = True or use an expression that evaluates to True, all controls below the tablix hide.
Setting Hidden = False for the tablix causes all of the controls below it to show.
I've looked at the report XML wondering if I had inadvertantly nested something and it doesn't look like it.
I've set the DataElementOutput to Output.
I have printouts of this report where the controls were acting correctly. I recall my system crashed at one point when I was working on this so maybe something got corrupted. With that in mind I rebuilt the report into a new rdl and still no luck.
The thing that the controls have in common is that the whole report is in a list, however all other controls (text boxes, tablixes, lines, rectangles, and a page break too) above the tablix show and hide correctly.
Any and all advice is appreciated!
I was able to get this working but I'm using a weird work around that I don't understand or like. Oh well, sometimes you've got to move on.
I started deleting objects from the top down on page 2 of my report. After each delete I ran it again to see if anything had changed. When I deleted the table that you see on the screen shots above, the objects below it began showing correctly in portrait view.
So focusing on the table, I un-did the delete and then I copied it's two text box members into a new list control right below it. I ran the report and the table, new list and all controls below it showed up!
I prefer the table in this case over the list, so I removed the text boxes from the list and gave it a filter that will never equal true (I didn't want it consuming space).
The empty list must have it's hidden property set to false even though it has no content. Hiding it will cause the lower controls to hide again.
Everything works now.
This seems like a bug to me but atleast I'm able to move on without resorting to subreports. Hopefully someone else will find this useful - thank you again Mike for the suggestions.