How can I update the Nulls, with the values from access
How can I update the Nulls, with the values from access
I'm trying to update Nulls, with values directly above. I know about Normalization, and bad database design. I'm just experimenting with this concept as a fun exercise.
Here's the SQL that I'm testing:
UPDATE ID_Table SET ID_Table.ID = [Batch], ID_Table.Batch = DLookUp("[Batch]","ID_Table","ID"<>[ is null])
WHERE (((ID_Table.Batch) Is not Null));
What's wrong with my SQL? How can I update the Nulls, with the values from above?
UPDATE ID_Table SET [Batch] =
DLookup("Batch","ID_Table","ID=DMax('ID','ID_Table','ID<" & [ID] &
" AND [Batch] Is Not Null')")
WHERE [Batch] Is Null