Connecting to sqlserver2012 localDB from VBA
Connecting to sqlserver2012 localDB from VBA
I have been having a very frustrating time trying to connect to a localDB database from Excel VBA.
I have created a database using Visual Studio 2012 Express and in the IDE the database seems fine. I can create data and query it without problem.
In Visual Studio the Connection Properties windows shows:
Connection String: Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=D:\FiskDev_Excel\FiskDBSoln\FiskDBSoln\FiskDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True
Provider: .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server
Primary File Path: D:\FiskDev_Excel\FiskDBSoln\FiskDBSoln\FiskDB.mdf
I then try to connect to the automatic instance with the following code:
Dim connStr As String
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
connStr = "Server=(localDB)\v11.0;AttachDBFilename=D:\FiskDev_Excel\FiskDBSoln\FiskDBSoln\FiskDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True"
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.ConnectionString = connStr
conn.OpenHowever the Open fails with the following message:
"Run-time Error '-2147217887(80040e21)'
Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done."
Any pointer to what I am doing wrong would be greatfully received.
I've finally stumbled across a provider / connection string couple that allows connection to a LocalDB instance from a VBA program. The following code works.
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sqlStr As String
connStr = "Driver={SQL Server native Client 11.0};Server=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDBFileName=c:\ExcelTrial\tsetDB.mdf;Database=tsetDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes"
sqlStr = "Select * from Customers"
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.ConnectionString = connStr
Set rs = conn.Execute(sqlStr)
Do While Not rs.EOF
Debug.Print rs!CompanyName
Set rs = Nothing