Can you build the F# framework as you need rather than a monolithic .NET framework
Can you build the F# framework as you need rather than a monolithic .NET framework
It made me wonder if F# can play a bigger role by not trying to play 2nd tier to other .net programming languages or even not even depend on .NET. With NuGet can you build the F# framework as you need rather than a monolithic .NET framework?
There's always F#'s cousin, OCaml. if you don't want to depend on .Net.
Also I assume you're aware of the various systems that convert F# to JavaScript - so using F# as a high-level abstraction over the "assembly language of the web" is another option - WebSharper, Pit, Funscript (for typescript), etc. Of course, these need .Net/mono in the translation phase as well as possibly at runtime depending on what you're doing.
There are also efforts for hosting .net apps on LLVM - VmKit is one I think - but there may be others.
Let me first confess, I am no language or Framework designer. So I am sure some of the details of what I going to say here might be wrong. I am trying to start a discussion on the future programming macro trends and F#.
My hope is F# in the open source world can take bold steps to become defacto server side and cloud programming language. I understand the desire to stand on the shoulders of the giants by adopting .NET. But the trend seems to be moving to very small core and competing composable add-on frameworks using package manager. Node is a classic example of it. The smaller footprint and composability improves cadence and competing ideas to be experimented for domain specific problems. Frameworks/Libraries will evolve on their own merit and stay current rather than deal with legacy.
I am going to go out on a limb and say look at LLVM as a future traget instead/ in addition to .ne