How to perform addition of data in c:forEach loop

How to perform addition of data in c:forEach loop

As the question suggests I need to know how(or can we?) can we add data in c:forEach loop? I know that c:forEach loop's main functionality is easier display but I am trying to avoid <%%> in jsp.

I am getting data from servlet using Bean concept and displaying it in jsp page using c:forEach

In scriplet tag I used to do the following
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
Note: Text content in the code blocks is automatically word-wrapped
double total=0.0;  
double total=0.0;
where y is (data coming from database)
So it will keep on adding the values for attributename.size() times.

How can I achieve that with c:forEach?

[Secondary question removed -- please start a new topic for each new question]


${3 + 4} will display 7. Enough of a clue?

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