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时间:2025-03-03 22:08来源:99601


This paper first makes a general introduction of the shareholder derivative litigation, combing the difference between derivative litigation and direct action, then to our country legal requirements on plaintiff qualification of shareholder derivative litigation is reviewed, the qualification is also because of the limited liability company and the Limited by Share Ltd and the difference between 151st and the judicial interpretation of the company law of China "the law" (a) fourth have relevant provisions. According to these Provisions, through the comparison of the United States, Japan and China's Taiwan regional corporation law, the proportion of shares, the holding period and subjective elements of other aspects of the discussion and reference, puts forward some legislative suggestions, hoping to make the derivative litigation system to maximize the maintenance of the company and the interests of small shareholders effect.

关键词:股东派生诉讼; 派生诉讼原告资格; 前置程序; 立法建议

Keyword: Shareholder derivative action; derivative suit; plaintiff qualification; pre procedure; legislative suggestion


引言 4

一、股东派生诉讼概述 4

二、我国股东派生诉讼原告资格的规定 4

三、我国关于股东派生诉讼原告资格规定的不足 5

(一)关于持股比例问题 5

(二)关于持股时间问题 6

(三)关于股东的主观要件问题 6

(四)关于前置程序问题 6

(五)关于原告的范围问题 6

四、对完善我国股东派生诉讼原告资格制度的建议 7

(一)取消对股东持股比例的限制 7

(二)缩短上市公司股东的持股时间 7

(三)反面论述排除不符公司利益情形 7

(四)明确不需要经过前置程序的情形 8

(五)持有不同种类股份的股东均享有提起诉讼的权利 9

五、总结 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11

引言作为一项法律制度,股东派生诉讼最初形成于世纪初的英国,而后该制度在美国得到全面的发展。随着他的影响力不断扩大,被大陆法系国家的公司法所借鉴,股东派生诉讼制度也逐渐成为了现代公司法的一项重要制度。派生诉讼的原告是享有派生诉讼提起权的股东。另一方面,不同法系的公司法在赋予股东诉权的同时,也对他的主体资格做出了很多方面的限制,就是为了防止个别股东滥用权利,影响公司正常运营。 股东派生诉讼的原告资格问题研究:http://www.chuibin.com/faxue/lunwen_205391.html
