Snoopy thanksgiving facebook cover pictures

1:There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American. ~O. Henry

2:Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.

3:We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.

4:Dear Lord; we beg but one boon more:Peace in the hearts of all men living,peace in the whole world this Thanksgiving.~Joseph Auslander

5:The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!,Snoopy thanksgiving facebook cover pictures

6:If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you” that would suffice.

7:Stand up, on this Thanksgiving Day, stand upon your feet. Believe in man. Soberly and with clear eyes, believe in your own time and place. There is not, and there never has been a better time, or a better place to live in. ~Phillips Brooks

8:As governor, when I visited our troops in Kuwait and Iraq, I served them Thanksgiving dinner. It was a small gesture compared to their sacrifice.

9:“Remembering with thanks is what causes us to trust - to really believe.”

10:Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.

Snoopy thanksgiving facebook cover pictures
Snoopy thanksgiving facebook cover pictures

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