Android emulator sdcard is not writable Read-only file system
Android emulator sdcard is not writable Read-only file system
I want to copy a video to the sdcard of an android emulator, so that I can play it in an application. When I try to copy the video (by drag and drop) I get the message:
[2013-05-18 23:49:54 - ddms] transfer error: Read-only file system
[2013-05-18 23:49:54] Failed to push selection: Read-only file system
What can I do to make the sdcard writable?
The real problem is that I can't find the directory sdcard in my file system. I can only see it in Eclipse. If I could find the directory, that I know how to change permission (chmod on Mac OS X).
In a terminal (I work on Mac OS X) I wnt to sdk/platform-tools directory (to get access to the adb shell) then I typed the following commands:
./adb shell
mount -o rw,remount rootfs /
chmod 777 /mnt/sdcard
and then typed "exit" to exit the adb shell.
I hope it works for others as well, because I cannot find the link to the actual post