
中国传统的住宅院落似乎从来就不缺少风景园林,文化的积淀使造园技艺在历史上曾经达到相当高的水平,苏州园林艺术也已经成为历史文化遗产得到保护。但景观一词却又似乎是一个“舶来品”,它在国内开发商及消费者中的兴起不过只有短短几年的历史………居住区绿化是城市园林绿地系统中的重要组成部分,是改善城市生态环境中的重要环毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  节,随着人们物质生活水平的日益提高,人们对居住区绿化、美化的要求及欣赏水平也越来越高。因此,居住区绿化应从其绿化的作用出发,遵循绿化规划原则,使居住环境适应现代建筑,满足功能需求。
关键字: 舶来品 设计导则 场所 景观 以人为本

Summary: The Chinese traditional the residence courtyard the seems to the have always the been for the the enough the and the the little scenery park, the the the the accumulate the the of culture the makes the the technical skill the the of the build the the the park the the have the ever the the attained the the the very the high the the level on the the the history, the park art of Suzhou had already also become the history cultural inheritance to get the protection.The But itis a" the foreign goods"that theview athe phrasebut againseem to, it develop the company and rise in the consumer in the domestic however only have the history ……… of short and short and several yearsLive the area green turn is the city park greenly the importance in the system constitutes the part, is improve the city ecosystem environment is of important link, along with the people increasingly raise of the physical life level, people to live the area greenrequest for turn, beautifying and enjoy the level also more and more high.Therefore, live the area green turn and should be green from it to turn of function set out, follow green turn to program the principle, make the living environment orientation modern construct, satisfy the function request.

Keyword: The foreign goods、 design Introduction、 place+ view、 make people the center



  1. 美国的居住区绿化原则:20世纪末,美国凯特。奥利维亚。塞申斯提出的“绿道网络”的概念,在环居住区绿化境保护、经济利益、美学上有巨大的价值,将对我们有很好借鉴作用。使居住区的绿地也成为这个巨大的循环系统的成员[1]

  2. 法国居住区绿化原则:1994年法国出台了新的居住区绿地标准。其中明确规定住宅组公园、小区公园、居住区公园的绿地定额、服务半径、绿地面积和平均每人绿地面积。

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