
Today I had just finished a France masterpiece called <<The Three Musketeers>> which has the volumn of 751 pages of content. It's really a tough job to read this book because there filled with new words and many of them have totally dissappeared from the modern dictionary. But once I complete it I wish to read another 751 pages of this book for this book spread an exact picture of later medieval of Europe,the vivid life of people who live in court with higher status and in grassroots. The story begining with the compaign between the king and the cardinal as well as the painful but romantic story between Bakiham and the queen of france,the princess of Austria. A young Casco man followed his father's suggestion pursuing his dream to land a place at the prestigious masketeers of the king,and to be a real soldier. He luckily befriends with three most courageous and honest masketeers but unfortunately involved into horrible court intrigue. The obvious and hidious compaign between the king and the cardinal and their musketeers adding great deal of interesting factors in this book. The cunning cardinal, the ignorant king , the cruelty of Milady , The intelligent D,Dartanan and his three firm comrades, Portos, Atos and Arimy, and The romantic and firm Bakingham all those showed us a wonderful story under the miseralbe historic background. In fact it's hard to tell if it is a comedy or a tragedy, although there is a perfect consequence of our brave musketeers. D,Dartana became the vice captical of the king's maskteers and Atos married the widow with her casket there are eight hundred thousands crowns in it. But also there are too many people died in these series intrigues which only caused by secret love between a baron and a queen. These people's fate rise and down by someone at high level status who sometime acclaim a war just for an amorous rendevou. From this point of view it's a absolute tragedy for these people. But compared all these to our life today. Didn't we make sure that our fate and future are not controled by people who even never known us. Then from another point of view,without these secret conspirations our protagnist's dream could not be fullfilled at that time. Novel is just a novel,but through it we can get a chance to peek the very nature of our society and our life.

  今天我刚刚读完了一本法国名著《三个火枪手》,一共751页的内容。读完他确实是一个痛苦的过程,这里面有太多的生词,许多已经从现代字典里彻底消失了。但读完以后我却希望他还能再续751页。这本书精确的展现了中世纪晚期欧洲的一个活生生画面,从身居高位的朝臣到终日碌碌的草根。故事以伯明翰公爵与法国王后之间的秘密的爱情导抽国王与红衣主教之间的明争暗斗,确切的说是国王的火枪手为保护王后而与主教间的名争暗斗。一个年轻人追随父亲的愿望梦想成为一名国王的火枪手,一个真正的勇士。他幸运的结交到最为勇敢的忠诚的三个朋友后却不幸的卷入了宫庭阴谋。国王与红衣主教卫队间或明或暗的斗争给故事增添了许多有趣的因素。论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/ 狡猾的主教,无敌的国王,凶残的迷拉迪,聪明的火枪手,浪漫的公爵,所有的他们给我们了一出在欧洲糟糕历史背景下的精彩绝伦大戏。实际上我觉得很难定义这是一出戏剧还是悲剧。尽管对我们幸运的火枪手兄弟们来说有个完美的结局,达达尼昂成了国王火枪手的副队长,阿托斯与代理诉讼人的寡妇结婚,关键是她有一个八十万矣矩的钱柜在向我们的火枪手兄弟招手。连阿托斯的仆人都如梦以偿的站在金边大马车后面。但仍有许多人死在这一连串阴谋的背后,仅仅因为伯爵和王后一次秘密的约会。这些人的命运浮浮沉沉尽尽为了满足一些大人物的私欲,为此甚至连战争都在所难免。从这点上来说,对他们来说是绝对的悲剧。但对比今天的我们,我们不也一样无法确定是否我们的命运完全操纵在别人的手里,甚至那些人根本不知道我们的存在。但转念一想,如果没有这些阴谋我们的主人翁怎么会实现他成为一名另人敬仰的火枪手的梦想。小说毕竟是小说,但通过他可以有机会一睽我们当今的社会和生活。

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