The Council Hold by the Mice
Long,long ago,the mice were deeply annoyed by the cats’ raid.So they held a meeting to solve the problem to protect themselves.The mice made many different recommendations,and then voted them.
Finally,a little mouse stood up and suggested,a small bell should be tied to the cats’ neck.Once the small bell sounded,the mice would know the cats are coming and would have enough time to escape.
All the mice agreed and gave a good applause for it.Thus,an old mouse stood up and asked,“The little one’s recommendation is very great.Well here comes the next question,who will tie the small bell to the cats’ neck?”
New words and expressions ERP沙盘模拟实训报告
council ['kauns�0�5l] n. 会议
deeply ['di:pli] adv. 深刻地
annoyed [�0�5'n�0�0id] adj. 恼怒的
solve [s�0�0lv] v. 解决
protect [pr�0�5u'tekt] v.保护
recommendation [,rek�0�5men'dei�0�6�0�5n] n.推荐
vote [v�0�5ut] v. 选举,投票
suggest [s�0�5'd�0�1est] v 提议,建议
escape [i'skeip] v. 逃脱
applause [�0�5'pl�0�0:z] n. 欢呼,喝采