关键词:供应链 供应商管理 绿色 Ipad2论文网http://www.lwfree.com/
Abstract Although Apple inc.is an excellence enterprise who ranks inthe first place of supply chain, its supply chain still needs to be improved.Atthe beginning of this article,it discusses about the current situation that Appleinc. faces,and it concentrates on analysing the supplier problem of Apple'slatest ipad2 product in the supply chain, then it proposes three strategies ofhow to solve the problem,including the supplier assessment,supplier select strategy,andsupplier control.At last,this article suggests Apple inc. to build a greensupply chain.
This article includes the following six parts: The firstpart describes current situation of Apple's supply chain; The second part analyzessupplier problem of Ipad2 ;The third part analyzes the major supplierevaluation factors; The fourth part, illustrates the strategy for supplierselection; The fifth part discusses the supplier monitoring ; The sixth part makesuggestions for Apple inc. to build green supply chain
Key words: Supply Chain Management, SupplierManagement, Green Supply Chain
一、介绍苹果公司的供应链现状.... 1
二、通过IPAD2产品的供应现状分析苹果公司的供应链现存问题.... 3
(一)供应链中各种零部件的供应短板.... 4
(二)零部件的质量问题.... 4
(三)苹果公司部分供应商存在污染及员工安全等问题.... 4
(四)与供应商关系恶化的问题.... 4
三、供应商的评估因素.... 5
(一)产品质量及安全性.... 5
(二)交货能力(产能).... 5
(三)灵活性.... 6
(四)成本价格.... 6
四、供应商选择策略.... 7
(一)对于重点供应商应采取的策略.... 7
(二)对于具有合作性竞争的供应商的策略.... 7
(三)对于苹果公司需要大量采购的零部件策略(内外部性均高).... 8
(四)对于市场资源容易获得并且非苹果公司核心部件的零部件策略(内外部性均低).... 8
五、供应商监控管理----绿色供应链的实现.... 8
(一)加强对供应商的环境评估审查.... 9
(二)以信息技术为手段,实时跟踪供应商的绿色供应链管理过程,规避因为环保不合格而带来的风险.... 9 六、结论.... 9 主要参考文献.... 10