摘 要 函数信号发生器是重要的测量仪器之一,他被广泛应用于各种测量、通信、仪表、控制和电子实验教学等各种领域中。随着应用对象的多样化和数字技术的进步,函数信号发生器获得了广泛的应用和快速的发展。而直接数字频率合成技术的(DDS)出现改变了以往合成波形的方法,提出了一种信号发生器的设计的新方法。采用DDS技术制作的函数信号发生器具有输出频率稳定、切换速度快、分辨率高且输出相位连续、噪声低等优点。
本文介绍了DDS的基本原理,然后对本课题采用的DDS芯片AD9850进行简要的介绍。论文接着详细分析了该函数信号发生器的总体设计方案及具体的软硬件设计:在硬件上,采用STC89C51单片机控制芯片AD9850为核心,辅以滤波模块,幅度衰减模块以及波形的频率相位选择模块搭建了整个系统;在软件上,本设计采用通俗易懂、方便移植的C语论文范文http://www.chuibin.com言编写,并采用Keil uVision2来编译。软硬件之间采用串行通讯,软件编译后通过MAX232电平转换,再由单片机对数据格式进行转换后送入AD9850,从而产生所需要的信号。
关键字 信号发生器,DDS,AD9850
Signal generator is one of measuring instruments, it is very important and it is widely used in measurement, communications, instrumentation, control and experimental teaching, and other electronic fields. With the diversity application and the development of the digital technology, The Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer (DDS) has changed the previous method of waveform synthesis, it introduce a new method of design. If a Signal generator produced by DDS ,it is filled with output frequency stability, switching speed, and so on.
This article describes the basic principles of DDS, and then introduce a DDS chip that called AD9850, which is the basis of this design. Then we analyzed the design’s hardware and software design: in the hardware, the microcontroller is STC89C51 , the core chip is AD9850 , supplemented by filtering module, frequency selection structure and so on; in software, the design use C language which is easy to understand, convenient transplant ;and use Keil uVision2 to compile. Between hardware and software, we use Serial Communications. It is realized by MAX232, then compile into the AD9850 which produce the desirable signal.
Experiments show that the DDS signal generator have a lot of advantages, for example: simple structure, low price, the wide output frequency range, higher stability; Overcome the previous signal generator that output frequency instability and so on, it have a high value.
Keywords: Signal Generator,DDS,AD9850
目 录
1.绪论. 1
1.1课题背景... 1
1.2 国内外发展现状... 2
1.3本文研究的目的意义及主要工作... 5
2.DDS技术概述. 8
2.1 DDS的基本原理... 8
2.3 DDS的各部分结构... 13
2.4 DDS系统的特点... 16
2.6 DDS技术的三种实现方法... 18
3.系统总体方案设计. 21
3.1系统总体方案设计... 21
3.2 DDS专用集成电路AD9850简介... 23
3.2.1 DDS芯片发展概况... 23
3.2.2 AD9850芯片与同类产品的比较... 23
3.2.3 AD9850芯片主要性能指标及介绍... 24
4.系统硬件电路设计. 30
4.1系统供电模块... 31
4.2控制模块电路... 32
4.3 AD9850模块以及外围电路介绍... 33
4.4键盘模块设计... 35
4.5液晶显示模块设计... 36
4.6滤波器模块设计... 37
4.7幅值衰减模块设计... 41
4.8通信接口模块设计... 42
5.系统软件设计. 44
5.1系统程序设计流程... 44
5.2各个模块程序设计流程... 45
5.2.1键盘扫描模块程序... 45
5.2.2 AD9850控制程序... 47
5.2.3液晶显示模块程序... 50
总 结. 52
致 谢. 53
参考文献. 54