Abstract:Coherence is an American science fiction thriller film. It tells a story about a series of strange events occur at an eight-person dinner party. Because of the passing of the comet. The house and the eight people start to become intertwined with similar houses and the occupants in other realities. When people pass over the dark zone outside their houses, they will depart from their current reality and randomly enter other realities.
There are many details in the film imply the shift of realities, and the details are one of the highlights of the film. This thesis attempts to analyze the relevant details from filmology, including the introduction to the basic elements of the film and the functions of those basic elements from the perspective of relevance. Furthermore, the thesis analyzes the details in depth. In addition, the thesis also contains the comments on Coherence, and comments on other films of similar genres. Comparing the film with other films, we will be able to find the uniqueness of Coherence as a science fiction thriller film and how the processing of details wins over the hearts of the audience.
Key words: Coherence, filmology, detail analysis
摘要 彗星来的那一夜是一部美国科幻惊悚片,讲述了八个人在晚宴上遇到的一系列奇怪的事情。 由于那天晚上经过的彗星,他们的房子和住户与多个这样的房屋和居住者与其他现实交织在 一起。 当人们通过他们房子外面的黑暗地带时,他们离开他们的现实,随机进入另一个现实。
彗星来的那一夜中有许多细节描写暗示了人物穿越了时空,这些精彩的细节描写是本片的一 大亮点。本文尝试从电影学的角度来分析相关性中的细节描写,包括对于电影基本元素的介 绍和在相关性中这些基本元素的运用。在此基础上,再对电影中的各个细节做逐一细致的分 析。此外,还有对彗星来的那一夜的评论,以及与其相似的电影的评论。对比两者,我们可 以发现彗星来的那一夜在科幻电影中的独特性,以及它是如何通过在细节的处理从而赢得人 心的。
Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
摘要 iii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Film Synopsis 1
1.2 Literature Review 2
2 Elements of Detailed Portray in Filmology 4
2.1 Definition of the Elements of Detailed Portray in Filmology 4
2.2 Application of the Elements of Detailed Portray in Filmology 6
2.3 Effects of the Elements of Detailed Portray in Filmology 6
3 Development of Detailed Portrayal in Filmology 7
3.1 Seven Deadly Sins(Se7en) 7
3.2 The Butterfly Effect 8
3.3 Coherence 8
4 Analysis of the Detailed Portrayal in Coherence 11
4.1 Detailed Portrayal of the Characters’ Background in Coherence 从电影学角度解析《彗星来的那一夜》中细节刻画:http://www.chuibin.com/yingyu/lunwen_205320.html