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时间:2025-03-18 22:35来源:99673

摘    要:本次研究为了研究杭州学正小学的羽毛球训练的情况,使杭州市学正小学运动的进一步发展,通过文献分析法、问卷调查法与访谈法,对杭州市学正小学羽毛球队的训练情况进行了简单的分析,为杭州市少儿经济羽毛球人才的培养工作提供一定的帮助,本文通过调查该学校的训练现状,并进行了应的分析,得出了以下结论。






Abstract:This paper is to study the Hangzhou primary school badminton training, further development of the school is primary school sports in Hangzhou City, analysis, questionnaires and interviews through the literature, the training situation of Hangzhou city is primary school badminton team has carried on the simple analysis, provide some help for children's economic training work badminton talent of Hangzhou City, this paper surveys the present situation of the training school, and carried out the analysis, draw the following conclusions.

First of all, Hangzhou city children's amateur badminton has been formed jointly organized government, school and society, in this situation, the development of children's badminton training in Hangzhou city will have a very big role in promoting, but the scale is still relatively small, has certain limitations.

Secondly, in the city of Hangzhou children badminton training coach average educational level is higher, but the teaching time is relatively short, the lack of relevant experience, to participate in job training opportunities for less, for the long-term development of Hangzhou city is the primary school badminton team will produce certain negative effect.

Finally, there is a conflict between learning and training, although the school is 

primary school badminton athletes of parents for their children's training generally maintain a supportive attitude, but that training will have a certain impact on learning, so I hope you can learn to exercise do not affect each other, but there is a conflict between the two only to learn the main, and the children do not want to go the road occupation athlete.



Key words: Hangzhou city; Xue Zheng primary school; badminton training

目    录

1绪论 4

1.1研究背景 4

1.2研究意义 4

1.3国内外研究现状 杭州市学正小学羽毛球队训练管理研究:http://www.chuibin.com/tiyu/lunwen_205467.html
