摘 要:二十一世纪初,随着我国工业化和新型城镇化进程的加快,大气污染问题也逐渐凸显出来,而雾霾天气的频发更是对民众的身心健康造成巨大的影响,也会阻碍社会的发展。2016年1月新《大气污染防治法》出台,结合了国外先进立法经验与我国近几年来的实践成果,从法律层面对大气污染问题进行进一步的规制,表现了我国重典治霾的决心。但实际上关于大气污染防治的研究,我国尚属起步状态,没有一系列的法律法规针对大气污染治理相关问题进行具体、合理的设计。因此本文主要根据新法的修改之处,结合目前大气污染防治的法律现状,再对国外有关大气污染防治的立法实践与经验进行一定的借鉴,思考《大气污染防治法》完善的几个着力点,以期我国能尽快摆脱雾霾天气频发的现状。
At the beginning of the 21st century, along with our country industrialization and the new urbanization process accelerated, atmospheric pollution problems also gradually emerges, and frequent fog haze weather is cause huge influence to people's physical and mental health, will also hinder the development of the society. Therefore, on January 1, 2016, China promulgated the new air pollution prevention and control law, which further stipulates the prevention and control of air pollution from the legislation, and shows our country's determination of haze governance. But in fact, the research on the prevention and control of air pollution is still a starting point in China. There are no series of laws and regulations to carry out specific and reasonable design for haze control. So in this paper, according to the law of changes, and combining the present situation of the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution law, again to foreign legislation practice and experience of relevant prevention and control of atmospheric pollution as a reference, thinking about the law on the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution perfect several focus, in order to our country as soon as possible to get rid of the frequent occurrence of haze weather.
Keyword: Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law; The law changes; System consummation
目 录
一、《大气污染防治法》的修改 1
(一)《大气污染防治法》“严”在哪里 1
1. 明确立法理念的转变 1
2. 强化源头治理与标准控制 2
3. 信息公开的力度进一步加大 2
(二)目前《大气污染防治法》的不足之处 2
1.法条规定缺乏可操作性与协同性 2
2.行政职权的分配与监督不完善 3
3.政府问责机制不完善 3
二、大气污染防治的法律现状 3
(一)我国关于大气污染防治的相关法律、法规 3
(二)大气污染防治相关制度的落实中存在的困难 4
三、国外有关大气污染防治的立法实践与经验 4
(一)美国 5
(二)日本 6
(三)英国 7
四、完善《大气污染防治法》着力点分析 7 关于完善《大气污染防治法》的思考:http://www.chuibin.com/faxue/lunwen_205132.html