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时间:2024-12-30 22:20来源:99330



Research on the Characteristics of Neolithic Jadeware in China

Abstract: This article describes and analyzes the shape and ornamentation of several major jade cultures in the Neolithic Age, and derives the jade features of the Neolithic Age.Jade features have their own distinct features in every culture. Whether it is the relatively simple Xinglongwa culture jade or the highly unified Hongshan culture with utensils or the Liangzhu culture with a strong religious sense in the late period, all can be seen. Jade has its own cultural life and has its own beauty.Through a large number of literature readings and image observations, the author combined with personal understanding to further explore the jade features of the Neolithic Age. Through the introduction of the analysis, it can be concluded that the Neolithic Jade Age was early and widely distributed, and different cultures such as starry stars shined. From the earliest period of the booming culture in the north to the Liangzhu Culture, the jade culture flourished and the continuous progress of the Chinese civilization was brought about.

Keywords:  Neolithic;Jade culture;jade;decoration


摘要 ii

Abstract ii

一、引言 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)目的与意义 1

(三)研究思路和方法 1

1研究思路 1

2研究方法 2

(四)研究现状 2

二、中国新石器时代玉器特征 3

(一)兴隆洼文化 3

(二)红山文化 5

(三)河姆渡文化 9

(四)马家滨文化 9

(五)崧泽文化 10

(六)凌家滩文化 12

(七)良渚文化 13

三、结语 16

致谢 18

参考文献 20





古玉是社会等级制的物化表现,这充分展示了古玉的政治价值以及古玉的文化价值。春秋时期的“六瑞”就很好地表现了古人的等级制度思想;古代大臣上朝时候手拿着的板亦是用玉制成,上可记事,称之为“笏”;秦始皇开创了以玉为玺,直至封建传统皇帝制度终结;唐代的玉带制度证明了用玉等级制度的严格。 中国新石器时代玉器特征研究:http://www.chuibin.com/yishu/lunwen_205319.html
