摘 要近5年来,电商可以说是零售业唯一的主题,从全渠道,到后来的O2O、互联网+,传统零售在电商打劫和租金上涨的双重压力下艰难度日,关店潮不断。2016年云栖大会上马云首次引出“新零售”概念,并指出未来真正新的零售必须抛弃思维固化的传统实体经济,并充分结合线上线下和现代物流。SPA模式,是一种以消费者需求为第一目标的运营模式,运用的是一种先进的供应链管理思想,在缩小各环节损益的前提下,创造一定的规模效益。但是SPA模式企业在各种互联网竞争环境中仍能不断创新紧跟潮流,因此研究新零售时代下SPA模式独有的核心优势非常重要。
Abstract In the past 5 years, the electricity supplier can be be the only theme of retail, from all channels, then O2O, Internet plus, traditional retail is difficult to survive under double pressure of E-commerce&The high rent。 Jack Ma first mentioned the concept that "new retail, new manufacture, new technology ,new finance and new resources "at Yunxi meeting 2016, in order to really create a new retail he pointed out that online and offline must together with modern logistics。 SPA model is a kind of sales form to meet the consumer demand for the first policy, from product planning, production to retail vertical integration control,with an advanced SCM to reduce the profit and loss of each link, to create a certain scale benefits。However,SPA companies still can continue to closely follow the trend of innovation competition in various Internet business environment, so it is very important to study the core advantage of SPA model in the new retail。
Through inspection and foreign literature, the relevant theoretical research of SPA model, through the study of SPA company, on the basis of the theory, find out the success factor of enterprise operation model to SPA, UNIQLO as a case, through case comparison, summed up the SPA mode in the new era of retail competition advantage and significance。源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
毕业论文关键词:新零售; SPA模式; 优衣库
Keywords: new retail; SPA model; UNIQLO
目 录
摘要 II
Abstract II
1。 绪论 2
1。1 研究背景及意义 2
1。2 研究内容及方法 2
1。2。1 研究内容 2
1。2。2 研究方法 2
2。 理论基础及文献综述 2
2。1 相关理论基础 2
2。1。1 SPA模式 2
2。1。2 快速响应理论(Quick Response) 2
2。1。3 STP理论 2
2。2 文献综述 2
2。2。1 关于SPA运营模式的相关研究 新零售时代下SPA运营模式案例研究优衣库为例:http://www.chuibin.com/guanli/lunwen_166013.html