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GestureDetector多点手势识别的实现源代码 第3页

更新时间:2013-1-24:  来源:毕业论文
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {         if (mVelocityTracker == null) {             mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();         }         mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev);//把所有事件都添加到速度追踪器,为计算速度做准备           boolean handled = false;         final int action = ev.getAction(); //获取Action  //        int idx = (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK) >> MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT;//获取触摸事件的序号         int idx = ev.getPointerId(ev.getActionIndex());//获取触摸事件的id           switch (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {         case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:         case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: {             EventInfo info = new EventInfo(MotionEvent.obtain(ev));             this.addEventIntoList(info);//将手势信息保存到队列中             if (mDoubleTapListener != null) {//如果双击监听器不为null                 if (mHandler.hasMessages(TAP_DOUBLE)) {                     MultiMotionEvent e = new MultiMotionEvent(ev);                     EventInfo origInfo = checkForDoubleTap(e);//检查是否构成双击事件                     if (origInfo != null) {                         info.mIsDoubleTapping = true;                         handled |= mDoubleTapListener.onDoubleTap(origInfo.mCurrentDownEvent);                         handled |= mDoubleTapListener.onDoubleTapEvent(e);                     }                 }                 if (!info.mIsDoubleTapping) {//当前事件不构成双击事件,那么发送延迟消息以判断onSingleTapConfirmed事件                     mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(TAP_SINGLE, idx), DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT);                     // Log.d(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME + ": add TAP_SINGLE");                 }             }             // 记录X坐标和Y坐标             info.mLastMotionX = info.mCurrentDownEvent.getX();             info.mLastMotionY = info.mCurrentDownEvent.getY();                           if (mIsLongpressEnabled) {//允许长按                 mHandler.removeMessages(LONG_PRESS, idx);                 mHandler.sendMessageAtTime(mHandler.obtainMessage(LONG_PRESS, idx), info.mCurrentDownEvent.getEventTime() + TAP_TIMEOUT                         + LONGPRESS_TIMEOUT);//延时消息以触发长按手势                 // Log.d(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME +                 // ":add LONG_PRESS to handler  for idx " + idx);             }               mHandler.sendMessageAtTime(mHandler.obtainMessage(SHOW_PRESS, idx), info.mCurrentDownEvent.getEventTime() + TAP_TIMEOUT);// 延时消息,触发showPress手势             handled |= mListener.onDown(info.mCurrentDownEvent);//触发onDown()             break;         }         case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:         case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: {             MultiMotionEvent currentUpEvent = new MultiMotionEvent(ev);             if (idx >= sEventInfos.size()) { //                Log.e(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME + ":ACTION_POINTER_UP, idx=" + idx + ", while sEventInfos.size()=" + sEventInfos.size());                 break;             }             EventInfo info = sEventInfos.get(currentUpEvent.getId());             if (info == null) { //                Log.e(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME + ":ACTION_POINTER_UP, idx=" + idx + ", Info = null");                 break;             }               info.mStillDown = false;             if (info.mIsDoubleTapping) { //处于双击状态,则触发onDoubleTapEvent事件                 handled |= mDoubleTapListener.onDoubleTapEvent(currentUpEvent);             } else if (info.mInLongPress) {//处于长按状态                 mHandler.removeMessages(TAP_SINGLE, idx);//可以无视这行代码                 info.mInLongPress = false;             } else if (info.mAlwaysInTapRegion) {//尚未移动过                 if (mHandler.hasMessages(TAP_SINGLE, idx)) {//还在双击的时间阀值内,所以要为双击判断做额外处理                     mHandler.removeMessages(TAP_SINGLE, idx);                     info.mPreviousUpEvent = new MultiMotionEvent(MotionEvent.obtain(ev));                     int index = this.addIntoTheMinIndex(info);// 把当前事件放入队列,等待双击的判断                     mHandler.sendMessageAtTime(mHandler.obtainMessage(TAP_DOUBLE, index), info.mCurrentDownEvent.getEventTime()                             + DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT); // 将双击超时判断添加到Handler                     // Log.d(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME + ": add TAP_DOUBLE");                 }                 handled = mListener.onSingleTapUp(currentUpEvent);//触发onSingleTapUp事件             } else {                 // A fling must travel the minimum tap distance                 final VelocityTracker velocityTracker = mVelocityTracker;                 velocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000, mMaximumFlingVelocity);//计算1秒钟内的滑动速度                 //获取X和Y方向的速度                 final float velocityX = velocityTracker.getXVelocity(idx);                 final float velocityY = velocityTracker.getYVelocity(idx);                   // Log.i(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME + ":ACTION_POINTER_UP, idx=" + idx +                 // ", vx=" + velocityX + ", vy=" + velocityY);                 // 触发滑动事件                 if ((Math.abs(velocityY) > mMinimumFlingVelocity) || (Math.abs(velocityX) > mMinimumFlingVelocity)) {                     handled = mListener.onFling(info.mCurrentDownEvent, currentUpEvent, velocityX, velocityY);                 }             }             // Hold the event we obtained above - listeners may have changed the             // original.             if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {    //释放速度追踪器                 mVelocityTracker.recycle();                 mVelocityTracker = null;                 // Log.w(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME +                 // ":ACTION_POINTER_UP, mVelocityTracker.recycle()");             }                           info.mIsDoubleTapping = false;             // Log.d(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME + "remove LONG_PRESS");             // 移除showPress和长按消息             mHandler.removeMessages(SHOW_PRESS, idx);             mHandler.removeMessages(LONG_PRESS, idx);               removeEventFromList(currentUpEvent.getId());//手指离开,则从队列中删除手势信息             break;         }           case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:             for (int rIdx = 0; rIdx < ev.getPointerCount(); rIdx++) {//因为无法确定当前发生移动的是哪个手指,所以遍历处理所有手指                 MultiMotionEvent e = new MultiMotionEvent(ev, rIdx);                 if (e.getId() >= sEventInfos.size()) { //                    Log.e(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME + ":ACTION_MOVE, idx=" + rIdx + ", while sEventInfos.size()=" + sEventInfos.size());                     break;                 }                 EventInfo info = sEventInfos.get(e.getId());                 if (info == null) { //                    Log.e(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME + ":ACTION_MOVE, idx=" + rIdx + ", Info = null");                     break;                 }                 if (info.mInLongPress) {    //长按,则不处理move事件                     break;                 }                 //当前坐标                 float x = e.getX();                 float y = e.getY();                 //距离上次事件移动的位置                 final float scrollX = x - info.mLastMotionX;                 final float scrollY = y - info.mLastMotionY;                 if (info.mIsDoubleTapping) {//双击事件                     handled |= mDoubleTapListener.onDoubleTapEvent(e);                 } else if (info.mAlwaysInTapRegion) {//该手势尚未移动过(移动的距离小于mTouchSlopSquare,视为未移动过)                     // 计算从落下到当前事件,移动的距离                     final int deltaX = (int) (x - info.mCurrentDownEvent.getX());                     final int deltaY = (int) (y - info.mCurrentDownEvent.getY());                     // Log.d(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME + "deltaX="+deltaX+";deltaY=" +                     // deltaX +"mTouchSlopSquare=" + mTouchSlopSquare);                     int distance = (deltaX * deltaX) + (deltaY * deltaY);                     if (distance > mTouchSlopSquare) {     // 移动距离超过mTouchSlopSquare                         handled = mListener.onScroll(info.mCurrentDownEvent, e, scrollX, scrollY);                         info.mLastMotionX = e.getX();                         info.mLastMotionY = e.getY();                         info.mAlwaysInTapRegion = false;                         // Log.d(MYTAG, CLASS_NAME +                         // ":remove LONG_PRESS for idx" + rIdx +                         // ",mTouchSlopSquare("+mTouchSlopSquare+"), distance("+distance+")");                         // 清除onSingleTapConform,showPress,longPress三种消息                         int id = e.getId();                         mHandler.removeMessages(TAP_SINGLE, id);                         mHandler.removeMessages(SHOW_PRESS, id);                         mHandler.removeMessages(LONG_PRESS, id);                     }                     if (distance > mBiggerTouchSlopSquare) {//移动距离大于mBiggerTouchSlopSquare,则无法构成双击事件                         info.mAlwaysInBiggerTapRegion = false;                     }                 } else if ((Math.abs(scrollX) >= 1) || (Math.abs(scrollY) >= 1)) {//之前已经移动过了                     handled = mListener.onScroll(info.mCurrentDownEvent, e, scrollX, scrollY);                     info.mLastMotionX = x;                     info.mLastMotionY = y;                 }             }             break;         case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:             cancel();//清理         }         return handled;     }       // 清理所有队列     private void cancel() {         mHandler.removeMessages(SHOW_PRESS);         mHandler.removeMessages(LONG_PRESS);         mHandler.removeMessages(TAP_SINGLE);         mVelocityTracker.recycle();         mVelocityTracker = null;         sEventInfos.clear();         sEventForDoubleTap.clear();     } }

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