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sharepoint 2010修改v4.master出错

更新时间:2012-12-6:  来源:毕业论文

sharepoint 2010修改v4.master出错
sharepoint 2010在sharepoint designer 2010里修改了v4.master,在里面引用了jQuery 1.8.2版本,然后在body里写了个js
奇怪的是home visitors组运行不了那个js,但home oweners组可以
我以为是权限问题,然后把home visitors组的权限设为最高,但还是无法运行。后来更奇怪的是,我发现home visitors跟home oweners在游览器中返回的html都不一样,home visitors里根本找不到引用的jquery代码,自己写的js也没有,但oweners组正常

你的Jquery 文件是放在Style Library里面的吗?
1.Go to jquery.com and download the latest jQuery library to your desktop. You want to get the compressed production version, not the development version.
 2.Open SharePoint Designer (SPD) and connect to the root level of your site's site collection.
 3.In SPD, open the "Style Library" folder.
 4.Create a folder named "Scripts" inside of the Style Library.
 5.Drag the jQuery library JavaScript file from your desktop into the Scripts folder.
 6.In the Scripts folder, create a new JavaScript file and name it (e.g. "actions.js").
 7.Open your master page file in SPD.
 8.Within the <head> tag of the master page, add a script reference to the jQuery library just above the content place holder named "PlaceHolderAdditonalPageHead" (and above your custom CSS references, if applicable) as follows:
 <script src="/Style%20Library/Scripts/{jquery library file}.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
9.Immediately after the jQuery library reference add a script reference to your custom scripts file as follows:
 <script src="/Style%20Library/Scripts/actions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
再不行的话把Jquery 文件放到Layout文件夹里面去试试:
1。拷贝 Jquery 文件到C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS (所有的WFE servers都要拷贝,如果你是有多台前端服务器的结构)

<script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>

还有一种情况可能是你签出了master page,但是没有签入,这种情况只有签出者本人可以看到变化(jquery代码),其他人都只能看到老的版本(没有jquery代码)。 如果是这样,用SPD(SharePoint designer )签入就可以了。

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