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* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* Governed under the terms of the International
* License Agreement for Non-Warranted Sample Code.
* \xA9 COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2007
* All Rights Reserved.
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
*                  README for C Samples on Linux
* The <install_path>/sqllib/samples/c directory contains this README file
* where <install_path> is the location of DB2 9 on your hard drive.
* The default location for <install_path> for Linux is $HOME.
* This README describes how to build and run C sample code for DB2 9.
* The DB2 9 sample code for C is located in the following directory:
* <install_path>/sqllib/samples/c
* It is recommended that you copy the files from this directory to your
* working directory prior to building the sample programs. The sample
* programs directory is typically read-only on most platforms and some
* samples generate temporary files.
* WARNING: Some of these samples may change your database or database manager
*          configuration. Execute the samples against a 'test' database only,
*          such as the DB2 SAMPLE database.
* NOTE: These samples are tested on sample database created using db2sampl or
*       "db2sampl -v8" command. Please refer to individual sample listings
*       for samples that are ONLY supported with "db2sampl -v8" command.
*            Prepare your DB2 sample development environment
*  1) Copy the files from <install_path>/sqllib/samples/c to your working
*     directory and ensure that directory has write permission.
*  2) Start the Database Manager with the following command:
*     db2start
*  3) Create the sample database with the following command:
*     db2sampl
*  4) Connect to the database with the following command:
*     db2 connect to sample
*  5) To build Stored Procedures and User Defined Functions, ensure
*     that you have write permission on the <install_path>/sqllib/function
*     directory.
*  6) cd to the directory containing the files copied in Step 1.
*                        Building DB2 Samples
* There are two ways to build DB2 samples: using a make utility or using the
* build files that are included with the DB2 sample programs.
*       o To build samples using the make utility see 'BUILDING SAMPLES USING
*         make UTILITY'.
*       o To build samples using the build files or when you do not have a
*         compatible make utility see 'BUILDING SAMPLES USING BUILD FILES'.
*              *** BUILDING SAMPLES USING make UTILITY ***
* If you have a compatible make utility on your system, you can use the
* makefile provided. Such a make utility may be provided by another language
* compiler. Modify the PATH variable to include the directory containing the
* make utility.
* Depending on your environment, the makefile might have to be modified.
* For more details refer to the 'VARIABLES' section in the makefile.
* Execute the appropriate 'make' command in your working directory:
*       o make <program name> - builds the sample identified by <program
*                               name>. Do not include the file extension
*                               for the program name. E.g. make DbAuth
*                               For any dependencies refer to the
*                               individual sample.
*       o make srv            - builds only samples that can be run on the
*                               server, including routines (stored
*                               procedures and User Defined Functions).
*       o make rtn            - builds only routines.
*       o make call_rtn       - builds only client programs that call
*                               routines.
*       o make client_run     - builds only programs that run completely on
*                               the client (not ones that call routines).
*       o make all_client     - builds all client samples (all programs in
*                               the 'call_rtn' and 'client_run' categories).
*       o make all            - builds all supplied sample programs
* NOTE: Create a database with name SAMPLE2 before running 'make all' as some
*       of the samples require two databases. Create second database with the
*       following commands:
*       db2 connect reset            -- To disconnect from sample database.
*       db2 create database sample2  -- Create second database.
*       db2 connect to sample        -- Reconnect to sample database.
* As an alternative to the makefile, the build files included with the DB2
* samples can be used to build the C sample programs.
* Building Standalone Samples:
*        o bldapp     <prog_name>
*                    <prog_name> - the name of the sample program without any
*                                  extension.  
*         For any additional dependencies refer to the individual sample.
* Building and Executing Stored Procedures:
*       o Build stored procedure server and copy the resulting binary file to
*         the sqllib/function directory with the following command:
*         bldrtn     <prog_name>
*                    <prog_name> - Name of the sample program without any
*                          extension.
*       o Catalog stored procedures with the following command:
*         spcat
*       o Build stored procedure client with the following command:
*         bldapp     <prog_name>
*                    <prog_name> - Name of the sample program without any
*                                 extension.
* Building and Executing User Defined Functions:
*       o Build UDF server and copy the resulting binary file to the
*         sqllib/function directory with the following command:
*         bldrtn     <prog_name>
*                    <prog_name>  - Name of the sample program without any
*                                   extension.
*       o Catalog User Defined Functions with the following command:
*         udfcat
*       o Build UDF client with the following command:
*         bldapp     <prog_name>
*                    <prog_name>  - Name of the sample program without any
*                                   extension.
*              Common file Descriptions
* The following are the common files for C samples. For more
* information on these files, refer to the program source files.
* Common files
* README        - this file!
* makefile      - Makefile for all files
* Common Utility Function files
* utilapi.c     - Error-checking utility file for DB2 API programs.
* utilapi.h     - Header file for utilapi.c.
* utilemb.sqc   - Error-checking utility file for embedded SQL programs.
* utilemb.h     - Header file for utilemb.sqc.
* utilsnap.c    - Utility file for snapshot monitor programs: apsnap, dbsnap,
*                 dbsnapnew, insnap, insnapnew.
* Shell Scripts
* bldapp        - Builds an application program.
* bldevm        - Builds the Event Monitor program.
* bldmc         - Builds a multi-connection application program.
* bldmt         - Builds a multi-threaded program.
* bldrtn        - Builds a routine (stored procedure and UDF) program.
* embprep       - Precompiles and binds embedded SQL programs.
* Configuration Files (used with the VisualAge C++ incremental compiler)
* api.icc       - Builds DB2 API applications
* emb.icc       - Builds embedded SQL applications
* stp.icc       - Builds stored procedures
* udf.icc       - Builds user-defined functions
*               Samples Design
* The C sample programs form an object-based design reflecting the
* component nature of DB2. Related samples demonstrate a specific level of
* database programming. Each level is identified by the first two characters
* of the sample name. Here are the levels:
* Identifier     DB2 Level
*     cl        Client Level.
*     in        Instance Level.
*     db        Database Level.
*     tb        Table Level.
*     ts        Tablespace Level.
*     dt        Data Type Level.
*               Other Samples
* Besides the samples organized in the DB2 Level design, other samples show
* specific kinds of application methods:
* Identifier     Application Method
*     fn        SQL functions.
*     sp        Stored Procedures.
*     ud        User Defined Functions.
*               C Sample Descriptions
* The following are the C sample files included with DB2. For more
* information on the sample programs, refer to the program source
* files.
* Client Level (program files that deal with the client level of DB2)
* cli_info.c    - How to get and set client level information.
* clisnap.c     - How to get a snapshot at the client level.
* clisnapnew.c  - How to get a snapshot at the client level (using API).
* Instance Level (program files that deal with the instance level of DB2)
* inattach.c    - How to attach to and detach from an instance.
* inauth.sqc    - How to display authorities at instance level.
* ininfo.c      - How to get and set instance level information.
* insnap.c      - How to get a snapshot at instance level.
* insnapnew.c   - How to get a snapshot at instance level (using API).
* instart.c     - How to stop and start the current local instance.
* Database Level (program files that deal with database objects in DB2)
* autostore.c     - How to use automatic storage capability for a database.
* dbauth.sqc      - How to grant/display/revoke authorities at database level.
* dbcfg.sqc       - How to configure database and database manager parameters.
* dbconn.sqc      - How to connect and disconnect from a database.
* dbcreate.c      - How to create and drop databases.
* dbhistfile.sqc  - How to read and update a database recovery file entry.
* dbinfo.c        - How to get and set information at a database level.
* dbinline.sqc    - How to use inline SQL Procedure Language
* dbinspec.sqc    - How to check architectural integrity with the
*                   DB2 API db2Inspect
* dblogconn.sqc   - How to read database log files asynchronously
*                   with a database connection
* dblognoconn.sqc - How to read database log files asynchronously
*                   with no database connection
* dbmcon.sqc      - How to connect and disconnect from multiple databases.
* dbmcon1.h       - Header file for dbmcon1.sqc
* dbmcon1.sqc     - Functions used in the multiple databases program dbmcon.
* dbmcon2.h       - Header file for dbmcon2.sqc
* dbmcon2.sqc     - Functions used in the multiple databases program dbmcon.
* dbmigrat.c      - How to migrate a database.
* dbpkg.sqc       - How to work with packages.
* dbredirect.sqc  - How to perform Redirected Restore of a database.
* dbrestore.sqc   - How to restore a database from a backup.
* dbrollfwd.sqc   - How to perform rollforward after restore of a database.
* dbsample.sqc    - How to create a sample database.
* dbsnap.c        - How to get a snapshot at database level.
* dbsnapnew.c     - How to get a snapshot at database level (using API).
* dbstat.c        - Provide database statistics about DB2 performance.
* dbthrds.sqc     - How to use threads.
* dbuse.sqc       - How to use database objects.
* getlogs.sqc     - How to get customer view of diagnostic log file entries.
* Table Level (program files that deal with table objects in DB2)
* getmessage.sqc     - How to get error message in the required locale with
*                      token replacement. The tokens can be programatically
*                      obtained by invoking Sqlaintp using JNI.
* largerid.sqc       - How to enable Large RIDs support on both new tables/
*                      tablespaces and existing tables/tablespaces.
* setintegrity.sqc   - How to perform online SET INTEGRITY on a table.
* tbast.sqc          - How to use staging table for updating deferred AST.
* tbcompress.sqc     - How to create tables with null and default value
*                      compression option.
* tbconstr.sqc       - How to work with table constraints.
* tbselcreate.db2    - CLP script to create tables
* tbseldrop.db2      - CLP script to drop tables
* tbselinit          - Script that first calls tbseldrop.db2 and then calls
*                      tbselcreate.db2.
* tbcreate.sqc       - How to create, alter, and drop tables.
* tbident.sqc        - How to use identity columns.
* tbinfo.sqc         - How to get and set information at a table level.
* tbintrig.sqc       - How to use INSTEAD OF triggers.
* tbload.sqc         - How to load into a partitioned database.
* tbloadcursor.sqc   - How to load data returned from a SELECT statement into
*                      a table using CURSOR method or REMOTEFETCH media method.
* tbmerge.sqc        - How to use the MERGE statement.
* tbmod.sqc          - How to modify information in a table.
* tbmove.sqc         - How to move a table.
* tbonlineinx.sqc    - How to create and reorg indexes on a table.
* tbpriv.sqc         - How to grant/display/revoke privileges at a table level.
* tbread.sqc         - How to read information in a table.
* tbreorg.sqc        - How to reorganize a table.
* tbrowcompress.sqc  - How to perform row compression on a table.
* tbrunstats.sqc     - How to perform runstats on a table.
* tbsavept.sqc       - How to use external savepoints
* tbsel.sqc          - How to select from each of: insert, update, delete.
* tbtemp.sqc         - How to use a declared temporary table
* tbtrig.sqc         - How to use a trigger on a table.
* tbumqt.sqc         - How to use user materialized query tables
*                      (summary tables).
* tbunion.sqc        - How to insert through a UNION ALL view
* Tablespace Level (program files that deal with tablespace objects in DB2)
* tscreate.sqc  - How to create/drop bufferpools and tablespaces.
* tsinfo.sqc    - How to get information at tablespace level.
* Data Type Level (programs that deal with data types)
* dtformat.sqc  - How to load and import data format extensions.
* dtlob.sqc     - How to read and write LOB data.
* dtudt.sqc     - How to create/use/drop user defined distinct types.
* Function Level (program files that demonstrate SQL functions)
* fnuse.sqc     - How to use SQL functions.
* Stored Procedure Level (program files that demonstrate stored procedures)
* spcreate.db2  - CLP script to issue CREATE PROCEDURE statements
* spdrop.db2    - CLP script to drop stored procedures from the catalog
* spcat         - CLP script that first calls spdrop.db2 and then calls
*                 spcreate.db2.
* spclient.sqc  - Client application that calls the stored procedures in
*                 spserver.sqc.
* spserver.sqc  - Stored procedure functions built and run on the server
* spserver.exp  - export file for spserver.
* UDF Level (program files that demonstrate user defined functions)
* udfcli.sqc    - Client application which calls the user defined function
*                 in udfsrv.c.
* udfemcli.sqc  - Call a variety of types of embedded SQL user-defined
*                 functions in udfemsrv.sqc.
* udfemsrv.sqc  - Embedded SQL user-defined functions called by udfemcli.sqc.
* udfemsrv.exp  - Export file for udfemsrv.
* udfsrv.c      - User defined function ScalarUDF called by udfcli.sqc.
* udfsrv.exp    - Export file for udfsrv.
* Log Management User Exit samples
* db2uext2.cdisk - uses the platform system copy command to archive and
*                  retrieve database log files.
* db2uext2.ctape - uses system tape commands to archive and retrieve
*                  database log files.
* db2uext2.ctsm  - uses Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) APIs to archive and
*                  retrieve database log files.
* db2uext2.cxbsa - uses XBSA APIs to archive and retrieve database log
*                  files.
* Event Monitor samples
* evm.sqc - Demonstrates file, pipe, and table event monitors
* Other
* largevol.sqc  - Extract large volumes of data from several queries

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