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更新时间:2012-5-30:  来源:毕业论文




C/C++ code
// ************************************************************************ //
// The types declared in this file were generated from data read from the
// WSDL File described below:
// Encoding : utf-8
// Version  : 1.0
// (2012-4-20 下午 02:55:35 - - $Rev: 37707 $)
// ************************************************************************ //

#ifndef   MobileCodeWSH
#define   MobileCodeWSH

#include <System.hpp>
#include <InvokeRegistry.hpp>
#include <XSBuiltIns.hpp>
#include <SOAPHTTPClient.hpp>

#define SOAP_REMOTABLE_CLASS __declspec(delphiclass)
#if !defined(IS_OPTN)
#define IS_OPTN 0x0001
#if !defined(IS_UNBD)
#define IS_UNBD 0x0002
#if !defined(IS_NLBL)
#define IS_NLBL 0x0004
#if !defined(IS_REF)
#define IS_REF 0x0080

namespace NS_MobileCodeWS {

// ************************************************************************ //
// The following types, referred to in the WSDL document are not being represented
// in this file. They are either aliases[@] of other types represented or were referred
// to but never[!] declared in the document. The types from the latter category
// typically map to predefined/known XML or Embarcadero types; however, they could also
// indicate incorrect WSDL documents that failed to declare or import a schema type.
// ************************************************************************ //
// !:string          -
typedef String string; /* "http: // WebXml. com. cn/"[GblElm] */
typedef DynamicArray<String> ArrayOfString2; /* "http: // WebXml. com. cn/"[GblCplx] */
typedef ArrayOfString2 ArrayOfString; /* "http:// WebXml. com. cn/"[GblElm] */

// ************************************************************************ //
// style     : document
// use       : literal
// binding   : MobileCodeWSSoap12
// service   : MobileCodeWS
// port      : MobileCodeWSSoap12
// URL       : // ************************************************************************ //
__interface INTERFACE_UUID("{9B7CEE86-A22C-FF16-0A32-A8092F2C6AB2}") MobileCodeWSSoap : public IInvokable
  virtual String   getMobileCodeInfo(const String mobileCode, const String userID) = 0;
  virtual ArrayOfString2  getDatabaseInfo() = 0;
typedef DelphiInterface<MobileCodeWSSoap> _di_MobileCodeWSSoap;

// ************************************************************************ //
// Namespace// style     : ????
// use       : ????
// binding   : MobileCodeWSHttpGet
// service   : MobileCodeWS
// port      : MobileCodeWSHttpGet
// ************************************************************************ //
__interface INTERFACE_UUID("{483ACAAD-F484-E6D6-602F-6DC079FEE7D2}") MobileCodeWSHttpGet : public IInvokable
  virtual string          getMobileCodeInfo(const String mobileCode, const String userID) = 0;
  virtual ArrayOfString   getDatabaseInfo() = 0;
typedef DelphiInterface<MobileCodeWSHttpGet> _di_MobileCodeWSHttpGet;

// ************************************************************************ //
// // style     : ????
// use       : ????
// binding   : MobileCodeWSHttpPost
// service   : MobileCodeWS
// port      : MobileCodeWSHttpPost
// ************************************************************************ //
__interface INTERFACE_UUID("{D7264385-B2B4-78D0-423B-1047F3C25618}") MobileCodeWSHttpPost : public IInvokable
  virtual string          getMobileCodeInfo(const String mobileCode, const String userID) = 0;
  virtual ArrayOfString   getDatabaseInfo() = 0;
typedef DelphiInterface<MobileCodeWSHttpPost> _di_MobileCodeWSHttpPost;

_di_MobileCodeWSSoap GetMobileCodeWSSoap(bool useWSDL=false, System::String addr= System::String(), Soaphttpclient::THTTPRIO* HTTPRIO=0);

_di_MobileCodeWSHttpGet GetMobileCodeWSHttpGet(bool useWSDL=false, System::String addr= System::String(), Soaphttpclient::THTTPRIO* HTTPRIO=0);

_di_MobileCodeWSHttpPost GetMobileCodeWSHttpPost(bool useWSDL=false, System::String addr= System::String(), Soaphttpclient::THTTPRIO* HTTPRIO=0);

};     // NS_MobileCodeWS

using  namespace NS_MobileCodeWS;
#endif // MobileCodeWSH

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