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更新时间:2014-9-2:  来源:毕业论文
【关键词】  儿童;被动吸烟;控烟
  摘要: 目的   了解目前儿童被动吸烟的状况及评价有关宣教措施的效果。方法   随机选取791名9~11岁学生,对其家庭成员吸烟情况及其对儿童健康的影响进行问卷调查,并选择其中的312名学生的家庭成员进行相关卫生知识的宣传教育干预,并评价卫生宣传教育的效果。结果   (1)儿童被动吸烟率为465%,主要来自父亲,比例高达7663%。(2)在最近的一个学期内,被动吸烟组的支气管炎和上呼吸道感染的发病率均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<005)。2组儿童的肺炎和哮喘的发病率差异无统计学意义(P>005)。2组儿童的身高和体重差异均无统计学意义(P>005)。(3)对312个家庭进行被动吸烟对儿童健康危害的健康知识宣传后,被动吸烟率下降了51%,有684%的人表示愿意为了孩子的健康戒烟,但还有113%的人不愿意戒烟。干预前后吸烟者的吸烟量没有明显的改变。结论   目前儿童被动吸烟状况不容乐观,针对儿童健康的卫生宣传教育可起到一定的控烟效果。
  关键词: 儿童;被动吸烟;控烟
  Investigation on present situation of children's exposure to passive smoking and evaluation on health propagation  
  Abstract: Objective   To know the present situation of the children's exposure to passive smoking and the effect of the relative health propagation.Methods   The smoking state of children's family members and its effects on 791 chidren aged 10~11 years were investigated with questionnaire,among whom 312 children's family members were chosen randomly to take the relative health propagation,and the effect of the propagation was evaluated.Results   (1)The rate of chidren's exposure to passive smoking was 46.5%,which mainly came from fathers'smoking,up to 76.63%.(2)In the latest term,the incidence of bronchitis and the infection on the upper air tube of the children exposed to passive smoking were significantly higher than those of the control group (P<0.05),while there were no significant difference between the incidence of pneumonia and asthma of the two groups (P>0.05).And there were no significant difference between the statue and the weight of the two groups (P>0.05).(3)After the health propagation of the adverse effects of passive smoking,the rate of passive smoking reduced by 5.1%,and 68.4% smokers would like to give up smoking for the children's health,while 11.3% smokers would not.The smoking quantities had no significant changes.Conclusion   The present situation of the childresn's exposure to passive smoking is still serious,and to some extent,the health propagation about the children's health is useful to the smoking control.
  Key words: children;passive smoking;smoking control
  1   对象与方法
  11   对象   2002年12月~2004年12月,随机选取广州市东山区、荔湾区和黄埔区小学各1所,对其中三、四年级(9~11岁)共1097名学生的家庭成员吸烟情况及其对儿童健康的影响进行问卷调查,并选择其中的312名学生的家庭成员进行卫生宣传教育干预,以评价卫生宣传教育的效果。
  12   方法   采用家长和儿童分别填写问卷的形式对调查对象进行问卷调查。问卷的内容主要包括:(1)一般情况调查,包括性别、年龄、文化程度、职业、家庭收入、居住面积、居住环境等;(2)家庭成员吸烟、吸烟年限、吸烟数量、吸烟种类、吸烟方式、对戒烟的态度和行动等。凡儿童家中至少有一人每天当着儿童面至少吸1支香烟者为被动吸烟者。(3)儿童健康状况的调查,主要是儿童在最近1个学期内呼吸系统疾病(肺炎、支气管炎、哮喘和上呼吸道感染)的发病情况以及身高、体重情况。2003年3月,随机选取依从性较好的312名学生,将部分调查结果反馈给家长,同时宣传被动吸烟对儿童健康危害知识,号召吸烟者为了孩子的健康戒烟或改变吸烟的行为方式,不在家庭内吸烟。2004年12月,再次对上述学生的家庭成员吸烟情况进行调查,了解宣传被动吸烟对儿童健康的危害知识后,上述学生被动吸烟状况改善情况。
  13   统计分析   采用SPSS110软件对计数资料进行χ2检验,计量资料进行t检验。
  2   结果
  21   问卷吻合度   本次问卷调查共回收有效问卷791份,回收率为721%。经Kappa检验,儿童问卷和家长问卷吻合(P>005),内容真实可靠。被动吸烟组和对照组儿童的父母文化程度、职业、家庭收入、居住面积、居住环境等均具有可比性。
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