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中国社区卫生服务理论探讨与案例研究 第16页

更新时间:2010-1-17:  来源:毕业论文
中国社区卫生服务理论探讨与案例研究 第16页
Personnel services
Community physicians provide personnel services to medical staff, those in the professions supplementary to medicine and allied professional health service employees.
Educational activities
Community physicians employed in service posts cooperate with colleagues in academic departments in teaching the principles and practice of community medicine to: undergraduates; postgraduates -- specialist training in community medicine,
other training programmes; other groups -- nursing and midwifery staff,
paramedical staff, other training programmes.
Community physicians would be responsible for the planning and organization of health servicesin their District in times of war.
Other responsibilities
The community physician provides a focal point for the transfer of health information.The collation of vital statistics involvescollaboration with the Office of Population, Censusesand
Surveys. Community physicians have a statutory duty to exchange information received in the notifications of births, with the Local Registrar who registers births, to identify all newborn children and make sure that mother and child receiveappropriate care. Inspection of private nursing homes and ensuring that confidential enquiries into maternal deaths are carried out, are among others of the communityphysicians responsibilities.
Communication and cooperation are implicit in all the activities of community physicians but in some, liaison (with the people and/or organizations listed below) is the main function.
Medical and other profession colleagues
Close involvement is necessary with hospital consultants, general medical practitioners and other professionals. This includes participating in the promulgation of advice on medical matters through the professional advisory machinery.
University and other teaching establishments
Links between academic departments and communityphysicians in post are well established to their mutual benefit. Joint and honorary appointments encourage cross-fertilization of ideas.University departments of communitymedicine or of epidemiology and social research have developed close involvements with community medicine service departments in most regions.
Local authority officers
Communityphysicianscollaborate with local authority officers in developingjoint strategies, in joint planning of servicesand in the preparation ofjoint financing programmes.
They also advise local authority committees on health matters as appropriate, and participate in joint consultative committee machinery.
The Regional Health Authority and Department of Health and Social Security
Community physicians are involved in communication, either as individuals or as team members, with the Department of Health and Social Security and]or with the Regional Health Authority concerning policy formulationand implementation.

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