口腔医院门诊预约系统 第13页

口腔医院门诊预约系统 第13页
Mouth hospital outpatient appointment system

       Information and Science Technology Institute of GAU  ,
Abstract:The system is in conjunction with the mouth cavity hospital to seek medical advice process, which contains clinic, treatment and appointments to complete the treatment. After the actual needs analysis, this mouth cavity hospital outpatient appointment system is completed by using the powerful development tools PowerBuilder 9.0 and SQLServer2000.The entire system has the following functions: clinic management, treatment, and appointing to cure again .In the three processes, each window should write the patient's information into the case history, manage the case history and reuse it, and then be able to enter into appointing to cure again to continue to cure. The hospital management in this system is mainly aid to manage the doctors and the people on duty in the hospital, compute expenses,doctor tip management and carry on comprehensive analytical function to the business.  Meanwhile, the various subsystems can have good expansion and easy to cut out, what can meet the different needs of users. The system also has the friendly and flexible interface, which is convenient to use.
Keywords: clinic;appointing;database

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