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更新时间:2016-11-7:  来源:毕业论文

居民小区公共绿地中的道路规划与实施 摘要:中国的园林讲究“路径盘蹊”、“曲径通幽”等审美观念,尤其园林道路在有限的空间内以曲为妙道理。所以,园林设计是指在绿地中规划道路各种铺装地坪。在生活中小区的绿地与道路的铺设显得十分重要,优秀的居民小区绿地面积和弯曲道路更加呈现小区的文化气息,譬如,我国苏州古典园林非常讲究峰回路转和曲折迂回的意境。“一步一换形”“一曲一改观”追求一种隽永含蓄、深邃空远的美学概念,本次毕业论文在提倡和美化公共绿地的同时,将小区道路规划和铺设美观更加要符合民众的审美需求。
关键词:居民小区  公共绿地  道路规划  符合民意
Planning Organization and in the residence garden road
Abstract: The traditional Chinese garden "Road Mo easy Jie, and wonderful at the roundabout path plate footpath" winding "and so points to the garden road in a limited space to avoid direct request song to song the best. the garden path, said green space, roads, squares and other pavement floor. garden indispensable elements of the skeleton of the garden, the network. Park Road plan layout, tend to reflect the different look of the yard and style. For example, China's classical gardens of Suzhou, pay attention to the twists and turns, roundabout while the Western European classical gardens of Versailles, pay attention to the plane geometry shape. divided into garden space. "discount hunting bucket" step change shape ", a an improved implicitly, the pursuit of a meaningful, deep empty mood, the aim of increasing the level of garden space, a picture King continue to show in front of visitors. Park Road planning decisions of the overall layout of the whole park. the scenic attractions to see scattered like, in fact, to Park Road as a link, by the sense of the layout level, rhythmic manner, enabling visitors to fully experience the beauty of the garden art.
KeyWords:  residence, public green area; roading; in line with public opinion
一、引 言1
(三)本课题发展趋势  2 
(二)居民小区绿地道路的特点 2
(三)居民小区绿地道路的重要性 2
   1、划分园林空间 3
2、引导出行 3
3、精彩的绿色小区 3
三,居民小区绿地的设计理念 3
   满足民众审美需求 4
(一)整体规划设计分布  4
1、路线设计 4
3、功能区块规划 5
 1、校园中绿地道路的交叉路口处理方法  6
  2、参考和借鉴成功案例以拓展思路  6
   1、“密”与“疏”  7
  (三)设计平面化趋向  7
   1、石料铺装的风格要求  7
   2、绿地与道路的呼应及对比   7
优,结语  8
七,致谢辞    9
八,参考文献 10,3577

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