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更新时间:2016-10-29:  来源:毕业论文

水彩风景画论文+水彩论文大纲 摘要水彩画形成于英国,传入中国已经有百多年的历史。为什么水彩这门小画种能在当今艺术形态多样化的形势下站稳脚跟并且持续发展?这要得益于水彩的特殊语言是其他画种不能比拟的,水彩画在工具和材料的作用下相互浸润、融合、渗透,从而行程了水彩画特有的美。既能表现出轻灵飘逸的美,也能表现出干枯而厚重的淳朴美;既具有西方油画的写实,又有中国水墨画大气磅礴的意境。
在面对自然景物时我们才能真正体会到光与色的含义。太阳光作为一个自然现象,给大自然带来了无穷无尽的色彩变化。光也是塑造着人类的生命和色彩的本能。由于时间和季节色彩的不断变化,自然中的色彩时常展现出神奇、神秘和梦幻的感觉,带给我们无限美的遐想和美的回味我时常荡漾在美丽大自然中,体会并感受着眼前一幅幅令我心动的画面——自然与美——美在自然。本文来自优~文)论'文`网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com

关键词:自然 色彩 风景 自然美 水彩技法
Preliminary discuss Watercolor's unique artistic conception 
Art Department 2007   Author : Shi xiaoshuang
Supervisor: Gong xiaodong
Watercolor painting formed in Britain,has been introduced into China for hundreds of years.Why this small engraving of painting not only can gain a stable footing but also has a sustainable development in today's diversified art situation.This will benefit from its special languages which different with other types of painting, watercolor painting shows its unique beauty by fusion its tools and materials, which not only show the beauty of light elegant,but also show the dry  and simple beauty. All in all, watercolor painting has presented both the realistic from western oil painting and majestic prospect from Chinese ink drawing.
We can truly realize the meaning of light and color when we face the natural scenery.As a natural phenomenon, Sun light brought endless color transformation to nature.It's also shape the human life and the instinct of color.Natural color always show a magical mystery and dreamy feeling due to the time and season change, which bring to us infinite beauty daydream. I often ripples in this beautiful nature, experience and feel the emotional moments which watercolor painting shows to me.
Natural beauty- beauty in the nature.
Key words: natural  color  landscape  natural  beauty  watercolor skills
前言  1
一 水彩画与自然的关系 2
二 色彩的表达 2
三 水彩画物质材料的特性及风景作画的难点 3
四 表现技法在水彩风景写生中的运用 4
致谢  5
参考文献  6 ,3520

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