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更新时间:2016-10-23:  来源:毕业论文

现代陶艺在室内装修环境设计中的运用 摘要

In many species of art, Chinese ceramics is the most traditional and the most modern and has the international language of the plastic arts, is not only due to the melting of ceramic art and life in one of the art forms of origin and development in the world on the ancient civilization has many striking similarity, but also because the kinds of art constitute the basic elements of water, soil, fire and human natural affinity, it is this common and human nature and life depend on basic elements, constitute and created the wonders of ceramics. Play mud make ceramic brings joy and health not only let the artist be infatuated with the rhythm of the soil plain performance and the fire, feeling f or the listener to bring straight into the heart of the concern. The author according to its creation experience, around the modern pottery in indoor environment art has the superiority of this, many, this to further strengthen the author's artistic culture, especially to improve the employees of aesthetics and aesthetic level, and even close important.
Key Words:  Modern pottery ; interior designing ; furniture ; diversification
摘要   1
一、绪论   3
二、概念   3
(一)现代陶艺的概念  3
(1)什么是现代陶艺   3
   (2)现代陶艺的艺术特点   3
(二)室内环境的概念  4
(1)什么是室内环境   4
(2)室内环境设计概述   4
(3)室内环境的艺术特点与表现   4
三、现代陶艺介入家居空间中的分析   4
(一)现代陶艺在家居空间多样化的陈设  4
(1)地面陈设   5
(2)橱架陈列   5
(3)台面布置   5
 (二)现代陶艺在家居空间达到的要求  5
  (1)统一的风格形式   5
  (2)合理的室内空间布置   6
四、现代陶艺在不同家居风格中的表现   6
(一)传统风格中的表现  6
(二)现代风格中的表现  7
(三)混合风格中的表现  7
结论   7
谢辞   8
参考文献   8,3452

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