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更新时间:2016-10-21:  来源:毕业论文

浅析《天天向上》的节目特色+特色创新+缺陷不足 摘  要:近年来中国电视屏幕上活跃着大量的娱乐节目,而这些节目不乏存在着同质化现象严重、内容低俗化的趋势。湖南卫视主打的娱乐王牌节目《天天向上》脱颖而出,开播五年来,收视率一直高居不下,且在国内电视界屡获大奖。本文将围绕《天天向上》的节目特色进行讨论,着重分析了节目的创新、节目选题的策划体现出人文之美、节目受邀嘉宾涉猎范围广泛拓宽受众视野、创新独到的主持团体彰显优势互补的主持艺术、多样的节目形态揭示娱乐的本质——悦志和悦神等方面;阐述了当前节目所存在的缺陷与不足,并就当下时代背景来讨论《天天向上》的未来发展之路,以供今电视屏幕上的相类似的娱乐脱口秀节目以参考和借鉴,促进中国电视业良性发展。

Analysis of the Characterstics of the Program "Day Day Up"
Abstract:A great many of entertainment programmes are active on the TV in resent years. However, these programmes are mostly homogeneous and vulgar. While as the trump card program in Hunan TV, "Day Day Up" stood out. The rating has stayed high since it was aired five years ago and it has won large prizes repeatedly in the television industry. My paper demonstrated around the features of "Day Day Up". The key points are the innovation of this programme, in which the topic chose shows up the beauty of humanity and the guests invited of different fields broaden the horizons of the audience. The innovative hosting group shows up the hosting art of complementary advantages and the various programme forms reveals the essence of entertainment--please the spirits and aspirations of human beings. What’s more, my paper stated the flaws and disadvantages of the resent programmes and discussed the developing road of "Day Day Up" based on the historical background, which can provide a reference for the talk- show programmes and promote the development of the television industry.
 Keywords:”DayDayUp” ;program characterstic; traditional merits;etiquette pattens
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract. 1
一、《天天向上》的节目概况 2
(一)节目的定位 2
(二)节目的发展现状 3
二、《天天向上》节目的特色与创新 3
(一)节目选题的策划体现出人文之美 4
(二)节目受邀嘉宾涉猎范围广泛,拓宽受众视野 4
(三)创新独到的主持团体,彰显优势互补的主持艺术 5
(四)多样的节目形态揭示娱乐的本质—悦志和悦神 6
三、《天天向上》节目的缺陷和不足 7
(一)节目中商业气息过浓,影响节目整体形象 7
(二)嘉宾访谈时间紧凑,主持人“插话”现象严重 8
(三)节目镜头剪辑粗糙造成视听效果不佳 8
(四)节目参与者过多导致节目主题偏离 9
四、对《天天向上》节目的思索及展望 9
(一)积极提升节目的文化质感 10
(二)把握时代精髓,塑造民族形象 10
(三)提高社会责任感,以教育为己任 11
(四)促进各国艺术交流,走国际化品牌路线 11
参考文献 13,3430

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