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更新时间:2016-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

试析电视剧《大宅门》中的戏曲元素 摘  要:中国的电影电视行业自起源以来,就与传统的戏剧戏曲有着深刻的渊源。戏曲作为中国的传统文化之一,近年来更是越来越多的被应用于影视艺术作品当中。2001年,著名导演郭宝昌执导的电视连续剧《大宅门》登陆电视荧屏,该剧则是戏曲元素在影视作品中运用的成功典范。京剧元素的运用,使得电视剧《大宅门》得到了观众的极大认可,让传统的戏曲文化得到弘扬和传播。运用戏曲理论,结合该电视剧的剧情分析对电视剧《大宅门》中的戏曲元素进行研究,旨在探索戏曲元素在影视作品中运用的审美作用和文化意义。 

Try to analysis show great zhaimen drama elements
    Abstract:Since China's film and television industry bigins,it has deep roots with traditional drama and opera.In recent years,traditional opera ,as one of China's traditional culture,is more and more widely applied on the film and Television Art.The famous director Guo Baochang's TV series "Big House" ,which broadcasts in 2001 has became a successful model of the elements of Chinese opera in the film and television works since then.With the application of the elements of Chinese Opera,it makes the TV series "Big House" greatly recognized by the audience .Besides,the traditional opera culture is developed and disseminated.Using the theory of drama , researching on the elements of Chinese Opera of the TV series "Big House" according to the plot and analysis of the drama,is for the purpose of exploring the aesthetic function and cultural significance applied by the elements of Chinese opera in the film and television works.
    Key Words: traditional (Chinese) opera;The Grand Mansion Gate;Beijing opera;traditional culture
目    录

摘  要: 1
Abstract: 1
一、影视作品中的戏曲元素 2
(一)戏曲元素与影视作品 2
(二)《大宅门》与京剧文化的不解之缘 2
二、电视剧《大宅门》中鲜明的戏曲元素 3
(一)故事的时代背景 3
(二)韵味浓厚的片头曲 3
(三)京剧打击乐构成的插曲 4
(四)京剧曲牌的应用 5
(五)片尾曲的京剧文化 5
三、电视剧《大宅门》中戏曲元素的作用 6
(一)主题曲的京剧元素突出故事主题 6
(二)京剧唱段为人物性格做铺垫 7
(三)戏曲元素配乐揭示情感 8
参考文献 11,3399

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