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更新时间:2016-10-14:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要:柴可夫斯基是浪漫主义时期俄罗斯伟大的作曲家,他的《四季》是具有典型性和较高艺术价值的一部钢琴套曲,而作品中描绘出来的那种忧郁的意境一直为人们津津乐道。本文通过对柴可夫斯基钢琴套曲《四季》中的几首钢琴曲中曲式、创作手法的浅析,发现之所以会形成这样的风格,与柴可夫斯基的个人性格特点以及生活经历、社会背景、文化背景有着密切的关系。因此本文也将从这个方向入手,对柴可夫斯基忧郁伤感的精神世界进行剖析。希望此文能为欣赏者理解该作品以及演奏者把握演奏情绪提供帮助。

 On the Beauty of Melancholy of the Tchaikovsky’s Piano Opusculum Seasons
    Abstract: Tchaikovsky is a great Russian composer in the romantic period, and his work Seasons is a typical piano divertimento with a higher artistic value. In the work, the melancholy of the work is always taken delight in talking about by people. The paper selects some piano pieces of Seasons and makes a brief analyses of their music forms and compositional techniques to find out the reasons for its Russian melancholy style. In addition, the lifetime of Tchaikovsky is also discussed in the paper, analyzing his melancholy and sentimental mental world. It is pointed out that his personality is closely relevant to his life experience and the social and cultural background. Eventually, the paper tends to help the appreciators better understand this work and help the players better grasp the emotions while playing as well.
    Key words: Tchaikovsky; Seasons; the beauty of melancholy

目   录
摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、曲折的人生和钢琴套曲《四季》的形成 2
(一)柴可夫斯基的生平及《四季》的创作背景 2
(二)柴可夫斯基的人生经历对作品情感的影响 3
二、《四季》中意味深长的忧郁美 4
(一)一月《壁炉边》的忧郁美分析 5
(二)优月《船歌》的忧郁美分析 5
(三)十月《秋之歌》的忧郁美分析 6
(四)十一月《雪橇》的忧郁美分析 6
参考文献 8
致谢 9,3323

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