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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

洛阳白马寺佛教音乐的基本特征及发展现状   摘  要:我国佛教音乐文化历史悠久,作为中国第一古刹、世界著名伽蓝——洛阳白马寺,为后世留存了许多宝贵的文化遗产。洛阳白马寺佛教音乐融入了我国民族民间音乐的元素,庄严肃穆且旋律悠美动听的白马寺佛教音乐便是代表着中国佛教音乐传承与发展的缩影。本文从洛阳白马寺佛教音乐的起源、音乐结构、分类、意义及发展沿革等多个角度展开叙述,逐一阐述洛阳白马寺佛教音乐的源远流长。探讨随着世界多元化趋势的发展,对白马寺佛教音乐及中国佛教文化的发展进行展望,为今后传承、发扬中国佛教音乐的博大精深夯实理论基础。

 Analysis on the Basic Characteristics and Development Situations of the Buddhist Music of the White Horse Temple
Abstract: The Buddhist music culture has a long history in China, and as the first ancient temple and the well-known temple in the world—The White Horse Temple, leaves and preserves a great number of precious spiritual cultural heritages, blending in many national folk music elements in our country. Besides, the solemn and beautiful Buddhist music of The White Horse Temple stands for the epitome of the inheritance and development of Chinese Buddhist music. Several aspects are discussed about the Buddhist music of the White Horse Temple in the paper, that is, its origins, musical structures, classifications, meanings and development history, etc. to manifest the long history of that White Horse Temple Buddhist music. Then, the paper discusses the diversification of the world, and makes an outlook of the Buddhist music of the White Horse Temple, as well as the development of the Chinese Buddhist culture, aiming to tamp down the theoretical bases for the inheritance and development of the profound and extensive Chinese Buddhist music.
 Key words: The White Horse Temple; Buddhist music; Characteristics; Developments
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、白马寺佛教音乐兴起的历史渊源界定 2
  (一)白马寺佛乐的由来   2
  (二)白马寺佛乐的历史渊源 2
二、白马寺佛教音乐的体系框架 3
  (一)演奏乐器    3
  (二)表现风格    4
  (三)类型与用途    5
三、多元化背景下白马寺佛乐发展现状及展望  5
参考文献     6
致谢      7,3248

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