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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

原生态民族音乐存在的根源与价值初探 摘  要:在文化艺术飞速发展的今天,人们似乎遗忘了一种最原始的音乐艺术形态——原生态民族音乐。当原生态民族音乐走进大众的音乐视野中时,似乎已经拥有了其约定俗成之义,但目前对原生态民族音乐概念的厘定尚处在含糊不清的阶段。原生态民族音乐是中华民族文化的瑰宝,是中华民族文化和艺术的源泉。本文分析了原生态民族音乐文化产生和发展的主要因素以及其文化价值和艺术价值,深入研究原生态民族音乐,对于保护、传承和弘扬民族优秀文化,具有重要的现实意义。

On the Origins of the Existence and Values of the Original Ecological
Ethnic Music
Abstract:In today’s multiple cultural and artistic development, it seems that the most primitive pattern of the music arts is forgotten by people—the original ecological ethnic music. when entering into the common’s visions, the original ecological ethnic music seems to acquire its conventional meaning, but it is still indeterminate to define what the original ecological ethnic music is until now. The paper analyzes the main factors for the origin and development of the original ecological ethnic music, and also its cultural and artistic values. It points out that the original ecological ethnic music is the national cultural treasure, and is also the source of both national cultures and arts. In addition, it is of great realistic significance to make a deep research of the original ecological ethnic music in order to protect, inherit and develop the national outstanding cultures.
Key Words:Original ecology; Ethnic music; Origins; Values
目    录

摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、原生态民族音乐的概述 2
   (一)原生态民族音乐的内涵特征 2
   (二)原生态民族音乐的存在形式 3
二、原生态民族音乐的根源 4
   (一)原生态民族音乐的地域特征 4
   (二)原生态民族音乐的群众基础 5
   (三)原生态民族音乐的人文特点 6
三、原生态民族音乐的价值 6
   (一)原生态民族音乐的文化价值 6
   (二)原生态民族音乐的艺术价值 7
参考文献 10
致谢 11,3224

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