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更新时间:2016-9-18:  来源:毕业论文

从《人在囧途》看当代中小成本喜剧片的喜剧元素 摘  要:新世纪以来,以《人在囧途》为代表的中小成本喜剧电影开始异军突起,不仅成功抢占电影市场,而且还以独特的电影语言赢得良好的观众口碑。本文主要以《人在囧途》等喜剧电影为研究对象,并以电影学、语言学为理论依托,从喜剧化的人物形象、饱含喜剧性的情节设置以及语言的幽默化处理这三个角度来分析其喜剧元素。论文在喜剧化的人物形象中注重分析人物形象的缺陷性、小丑化和狂欢化;情节设置上则探讨其多线头的叙事模式、后现代式的情境营造和运动式的喜剧元素;在语言幽默化运用中,则重点分析其语言的个性化、方言化和流行语化。

The Comedy Elements of Contemporary Cost of Small and Medium-sized Comedy On Lost on Journey
    Abstract:Since the new century, Lost on Journey, represented by the small and medium-sized cost begin to the meteoric rise of the comedy movies. It is not only a hot sale in the film market, but also with the unique film language to win the reputation of the audience. This article from the dramatic images, full of comedy plot setting and language humor of these three angles to analyze the comedy elements. It mainly uses the Lost on Journey as the research object and bases on the theory of film study and linguistics. This article on the dramatic image focuses on no perfectionism, clown's doctrine and carnivalization. The analysis of the plot setting emphasis on the thrum more narrative mode, the post-modern situation of comedy and motion Comedy elements. In the humor language, it focuses on the analysis of the personalized language, dialect and buzzwords.
Keywords:Lost on journey;Small and medium-sized cost;Comedy movies;Comedy elements;Humorous
目        录

 摘  要1
 Abstract 1
    (三)浮世绘式的群众演员形象——社会底层平民的狂欢化6  二、隐含强烈喜剧性的情节设置7
    (三)运动式的喜剧元素——日常生活元素富有动作性的大串联11   三、语言的幽默化运用12
  参考文献 16

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