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浅论竹笛吹奏技巧与情感处理的关系 南北派竹笛吹奏技巧与表现

更新时间:2016-9-18:  来源:毕业论文

浅论竹笛吹奏技巧与情感处理的关系 摘 要: 随着我国民族乐器的普及与推广,越来越多的人开始了解并学习民族乐器。竹笛作为我国古老的民族乐器,普及面较广,有着广泛的学习人群。但在学习和吹奏竹笛时,吹奏者大多情况下只是为了追求竹笛吹奏的技巧而忽视了音乐情感的处理。本文通过对文献及相关资料的研究,对技巧与情感之间的关系进行了深刻的剖析,并阐述了学习竹笛吹奏技巧是为了更好的表达作品情感服务的。因此在日常的学习和吹奏过程中我们应当正确认识两者之间的关系,学会用正确的演奏技巧更好的表现音乐形象。
    关键词: 竹笛;吹奏技巧;情感处理

On the bamboo flute playing skills and emotional processing relationship
Abstract:  With the popularization of folk instruments and promotion, more and more people begin to understand and learn folk instruments. As one of China's ancient flute folk instruments with popularization wider, bamboo flute has a wide range of learning crowd. But when learning and playing flute, playing were in most cases just the pursuit of flute playing skills while ignoring the musical emotion processing. Based on the research literature and related information, we did a deep analysis on the relation between the skills and emotions, and describes learning flute playing skills work in order to better express emotions services. Therefore, we should correctly understand the relationship between the two and learn to play with the right skills to perform better image of the music.
    Keywords: bamboo flute; playing skills; emotional processing
目    录

摘要 1
Abstract. 1
一、竹笛吹奏的情感表达 2
(一)情感在竹笛作品中的体现 2
(二)竹笛吹奏中情感的方法 2
二、南北派竹笛吹奏技巧与表现 3
(一)北派竹笛吹奏技巧与情感处理分析 3
   (二)南派竹笛吹奏技巧与情感处理分析 4
三、竹笛吹奏技巧与情感处理之关系 6
(一)中国竹笛技巧的南北融合 6
   (二)作品中情感的表现及把握 7
   (三) 技巧与情感处理之关系 7
参考文献 9
附录 10
致谢 11,3068

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