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更新时间:2016-9-18:  来源:毕业论文

试论中小成本电影的发展趋势_中小成本电影的制约瓶颈及突围 摘  要:近年来,在中国电影的发展中,中小成本成为电影届关注的热点话题。作为中国电影的重要组成部分,中小成本电影的发展具有相当比重的代表意义,关乎着整个中国电影的发展。而在快速发展中的中小成本电影也遇到一些如资金短缺、制作粗糙、市场认知度低等突出问题。本文就中小成本电影的发展中存在的突出问题,围绕扩宽资金来源渠道、坚持艺术性和商业性之间的平衡、采用合理的营销手段和保护影视版权几个方面,对其将来发展趋势展开一次探讨讨。

Try to talk about the development trend of small and medium-sized cost film
Abstract:In recent years, for the development of Chinese Film, the small and medium-sized cost have become the hot topic in the Filmdom. As an important part of Chinese Film, the small and medium-sized film plays a vital role in that of Chinese Film, which also represents and influences the development of the whole Chinese Film. Yet in the rapid expansion, small and medium-sized cost film also come across some prominent problems. such as the lack of founds, inferior quality, and lower market acknowledgement , etc. . In view of the prominent problems existing in the development of small and medium- sized cost film, the text carry out a discussion about its future development trend which contains the following aspects. For instance the expansion capital source channel insist the balance of artistry and commerciality, adoption about rational marketing methods and the protection of film copyright.
Keys words: Small and medium -sized cost ;Film ;Documentary
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、中小成本电影概述 2
(一)中小成本电影的界定 2
(二)中小成本电影的特征 2
二、中小成本电影的发展优势 5
(一)贴近生活体现人文关怀,易引发受众的共鸣 5
(二)编剧与拍摄的要求降低,扩充了拍摄队伍 6
(三)受众需求多元化,给予电影广阔的创作空间 6
三、中小成本电影的制约瓶颈 7
(一)资金不足影响影片整体质量 7
(二)关注面窄及晦涩表达,造成“小众”传播 8
(三)宣传营销力度不够,知名度不高 9
四、中小成本电影的突围 10
(一)扩宽资金来源,缓解资金压力 10
(二)保持艺术性与商业性之间的平衡 10
(三)拓宽传播渠道,重视宣传营销 11
参考文献 13,3065

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