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更新时间:2016-9-13:  来源:毕业论文

浅谈呼吸在歌曲演唱中的重要性   摘  要:歌唱的呼吸是歌曲演唱中必不可少的要素之一,也是声乐学习者必须掌握的技巧之一。很多学生因缺乏对呼吸重要性的了解,导致在歌曲演唱中出现气息沉不下去、声音透不出去、换气不正确等诸多问题,经过对相关文献的深层研究和对资料的分析:要想具有科学的歌曲演唱技巧,不仅要了解歌唱呼吸的重要性、掌握正确的呼吸训练方法还要学会运用正确的呼吸进行歌曲演唱。通过研究呼吸在歌曲演唱中的重要性,以期为广大声乐学习者提供理论参考,在掌握正确呼吸方法的基础上,纵情歌唱。

On the importance of breath in singing songs 
    Abstract:Breathing in singing is one of the essential elements in songs ,but also one of the vocal music learner must master the skills.Many students because of the lack of understanding of the importance of breath ,breath without sinking,led to the emergence of voice in sings through the does not go out,ventilation is not correct and so on many questions,through the deep study of the relevant literature and data analysis,must want to have the scientific singing skills,not only to understand’the importance of singing breath’,to master the correct breath training method should also learn how to use the correct breathing of singing.Through the study of breath in singing songs in the importance of,and provide a theoretical reference to study for the vocal music,based on the correct breathing method,sing.
    Key words: breathe; Sing a song; respiratory training; take a breath
目    录

摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、呼吸的重要性 2
(一)歌唱的呼吸 2
(二)呼吸的重要性 2
二、正确的呼吸训练方法 3
(一)正确的歌唱姿势 3
(二)歌唱的呼吸方法 4
(三)歌唱的气息支持 5
(四)歌唱呼吸的训练 6
三、呼吸在歌曲演唱中的体现 8
(一)歌曲演唱中的换气 8
(二)歌唱中的呼吸运用 9
参考文献 11
附录 12
致谢 20,3052

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