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更新时间:2011-6-28:  来源:毕业论文

马捷摘      要
关键词: 汉服;品牌;载体、;视觉识别
With the fast development of the Hanfu revival movement, the hanfu industry has begun to appear and sprung up. As the most important role in that movement, the hanfu shop is the center of both the market and the Traditions’ publicity of the Chinese Han Nationality. Under the serious circumstance that the assimilation of hanfu brand has become a tendency nowada原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论'文~网http://www.chuibin.com ys, the key problem those brands need to deal with is to find out a way to stand out from the crowd. The hanfu industry distinguishes form other traditional Costume Industry by its special basis the cultural traditions of the Chinese Han Nationality. While the industry is a newborn one, its product, hanfu, is formed in the ancient time, which requires that the hanfu brand should be more identifiable and creative. According to the constant exploration of the changes in perception psychology, it learns the Style and Trends of the  Brand Culture, and enhances the brand image, interpreting the receivers' demand, so as to expand the market, accelerate the boom and finally establish in an unassailable position. This article started from the VIS (Visual Identity System) of the hanfu shop Chonghuihantang (back to the Han and Tang dynasty ),the total background of the hanfu shops’ development and also the Design Concept of VIS ,as well as the recognizing Strategies for the brand image aimed at that background, all these four aspects, in order to show that the most main vehicle for expressing the concept of hanfu shop and promoting the self-display is the VIS, which is also the focal point that can differ this brand name from the others. Therefore, only to establish a creative and characteristic VIS, can it find out the fastest and most convenient way to reach the biggest cognition degree, and foster a good and healthy brand image among customers, taking a significant step to grow receivers’ brand loyalty.
Key words: Hanfu;brand;carrier;visual recognition
目      录
摘    要 Ⅴ
目 录 Ⅶ
第1章 绪论 1
1.1问题的提出 1
1.2课题内容 1
1.3课题意义 1
1.4 论文结构 2
第2章 重回汉唐汉服VI设计背景 3
2.1重回汉唐汉服品牌形象塑造 3
2.2重回汉唐汉服介绍 4
2.2.1品牌名称 4
2.2.2品牌创立背景以及宗旨 4
2.2.3品牌市场分析 4
2.2.4品牌竞争对手分析 5
2.2.5品牌定位 6
2.2.6品牌风格 6
2.2.7品牌受众 6
第3章 重回汉唐汉服VI设计创意思路 8
3.1现有汉服店标志设计形式感 8
3.2重回汉唐汉服店标志设计阐述 9
3.3重回汉唐汉服店VI应用阐述 10
第4章 重回汉唐汉服品牌形象识别建立策略 13
致谢 14
引用文献\参考文献 15
附录 16,1918

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